The arrival of the successor and her past

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After the meeting all the pillars left some had missions others had things to do But the insect pillar was bothering the water pillar asking about his successor

Shinobu-Tomioka-San as the did you meet


Shinobu-Tomioka-San don't ignore me, how is she?


-Tomioka-San, how is she? "Said a very pretty young woman, with long dark brown hair with orange tips, very pretty pink eyes, very beautiful white skin, with a beautiful body"

Tomioka-Nezuko, I thought you would arrive tomorrow "asked the water pillar to the young woman

"Nezuko-well the mission was easy so I decided to come today" she said with a look would be

"Shinobu-tomioka-san who is she?

Tomioka-she is my successor kocho" he said seriously

"Shinobu-Nice, I'm kocho shinobu!

Nezuko-Nice, kocho-San, My name is nezuko kamado"she said with a serious face"

Shinobu-*it's the same as tomioka*"she thought"
-come on Nezuko we have things to do"said the serious one and starting let's walk"

Nezuko-I'm going Tomioka-San, bye Kocho-San "she said following tomioka"

After a while Tomioka and Nezuko arrived at the farm of the water pillar

Tomioka-Nezuko how did your mission go?
"He said as he served Nezuko tea"

Nezuko-well it was an easy mission" she said as she grabbed the cup of tea

"Tomioka-okay and find some information about "him"?

Nezuko-no he is very smart and leaves no trace of what he does" she said while drinking tea"

Tomioka-uh it's fine" he said as he sat next to Nezuko"

Nezuko-Tomioka-San, I want us to have a training tomorrow" she said"

Tomioka-uh it's fine Nezuko

Nezuko-thank you Tomioka-San!

Tomioka-Nezuko why don't you go rest for a while? Nezuko-of course Tomioka-San, bye!

"She said to go up to the room that the water pillar had given her to rest"

Nezuko went up to rest in the room that tomioka had given her

Nezuko-as I would like to meet you and make you pay for everything you did"she said as she lay down

"5 years ago Nezuko could be seen walking home after selling coal in town

Nezuko-smells of blood" she said and started walking faster

"Nezuko-mama, tanjiro, brothers! "She said screaming because she didn't hear anything"

When nezuko was in front of the house she stayed on show her family had been murdered and her older brother was not there
Nezuko-Mama, brothers !!!!! "She screamed while she cried"?

-I was late "said a black-haired man with dark blue eyes and a two-color haori"

Nezuko-who are you?? "She asked"? -my name is tomioka giyuu "he began to observe the environment"

Nezuko-and what are you doing here? "She asks with doubts"

Tomioka-I am a demon hunter and my duty as a demon hunter is to kill demons so that people can be in peace

Nezuko-but demons don't exist they are just myths to scare children

Tomioka-they are real besides you family was killed by a demon

Nezuko- Are those things real!?

Tomioka- Yes

Nezuko- Excuse me sir but my brother isn't here I think you'll help me look for him?

Tomioka- uh your brother?

Nezuko- If he's not here

Tomioka- Well but It's strange that he's not here

Nezuko-Thank you sir I still hope that he has run away "said nezuko with a smile that showed sadness"

Tomioka-You're welcome but please don't tell me sir tell me tomioka

Nezuko-Okay tomioka-san, my name is nezuko kamado

Tomioka-uh well let's look for your brother "he said to start walking being followed by nezuko"

Nezuko and Tomioka looked for Nezuko's brother but they couldn't find him anywhere, after looking for them for a long time, Tomioka told Nezuko that it was better that they bury his family and then they would look for his brother better, that's how Tomioka helped nezuko to bury his family

Nezuko-tomioka-san thanks for helping me but I have a question

Tomioka-You're welcome but tell me what your question is?

Nezuko-well I wanted to ask if it's possible that I could be a demon hunter?

Tomioka-Yes but tell me why do you want to do it?

Nezuko- Well the first thing is to avenge my family and kill the demon that killed him and make him pay, the second would be to help the demons not exist and cause no more damage and also look for my older brother" she said with a look determined to fulfill her goal"

Tomioka was surprised by nezuko's words

Tomioka-If that's why if you want I know someone who can help you train to become a demon hunter

Nezuko-Really  thank you tomioka-san I appreciate it very much

"She said with a slight smile"

Well here's the good chapter I promise to update the story more often bye-bye

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