Chapter 2

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'Wake up Theo you have school in ten minutes!'


My mind rushed as I slapped on the nearest pair of paint-stained jeans that I could find, and threw my baggy nike hoodie over my sleepy head. Socks and shoes came next, but my creased air forces definitely didn't put this outfit together as nicely as I would have hoped. I passed my mirror to check my hair, it was scruffy like always. It was the first day of year thirteen and I probably should have tried a little harder to look somewhat presentable, but its too late for that now.

'I was up all night trying to finish this painting' I explained to my unimpressed mother, 'I really wanted to finish it so I could show Mr Barker before tutor'.

Mr Barker was my art teacher in year eleven, and really my only friend.

'I don't know what to say Teddy. Just come downstairs, the cheerios are on the counter, Im quite sure you can show him another day'.

Bless mum, she still calls me Teddy. Teddy was the name my dad used to call me when I was a kid. Before we lost him.

'Yes mum' I obeyed, before grabbing a few paint brushes and stuffing them into my school bag, along with the painting from last night.

'Theo be careful, you'll crease it!'

'Don't worry mum!' I yelled whilst scuttling down the stairs in a rush.


The first day of school wasn't really a big deal to me. I mean i've had so many first days its ridiculous, what with all of dads old jobs making us move from town to town, I just figured that it would be as easy as the last. This year though, it's not actually a new campus, just the sixth form of my last secondary school. You know... since we didn't have to move this time, because of the accident. I don't have many friends if i'm honest, but I don't feel the need to make them, they'll just leave like they always do. One by one.

I paint. I paint my feelings away. I draw my emotions and sketch my thoughts onto paper. I cant count the amount of detentions I got for leaving little doodles in my school books. I never stopped though. I'm not one to get into trouble much, i'm just the quiet kid in the corner. I'll be talking but not really listening, I'll be laughing but inside I am numb. Im not depressed like my mum thinks I am, i'm just a teenage boy with no dad and no friends.

I take the bus to school, and on my way there there's always the rich kids in their fucking limousines, flaunting daddies money, waving it under our noses.

'Wave Loren!' Some lady says to her defiant daughter.

'Mother, i'm not the queen' she frowns. She runs to join her friend, Nevaeh I think her name is? They embrace each-other in a long warm hug. Maybe it would be nice to have a friend like that, someone who gives you a hug as you walk into school. Someone who cares that you're even there.

What the fuck Theo, ew no.

Getting to class was easy since my sixth form was quite small. I walked towards the ambush of students and found myself getting pushed into someone. I had knocked over whatever they were holding.

'Shit! Im so sorry' I apologised.

'No don't worry, it wasn't your fault Theo, who pushed you?' She said. She knows my name?

'I don't have a clue' I answered. I began to pick up what I had knocked out of her hand, and grasped a gorgeous pink polaroid.

'Oh thats just... here i'll take it', she mumbled and stuffed it into her pocket. She looked up at me with perfect hazel eyes. Her hair was dark, shiny and long. Freckles dotted her nose and her makeup was discreet but flattering. She looked like a painting.

'Im... gonna go' I said awkwardly, handing her the last of her books I had picked up. I tried to distract myself from staring at her.

'Yeah we should get to class'. She said.

Good one Theo.

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