A quiet night

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The hallway is dimly lit as a I walk down the soft hum of the heater trying its best to keep the building warm on this especially cold spring night. Heavy rain runs down outside and I can hear the wind howling from the other side of the door and a crisp breeze blows from underneath. The heavy oak door creaks with the new movement as a open it and enter my dark apartment. My boots leave a small trail of dirt and water and I can't help but sigh at the unkept state of my entryway. My boots stick to my soaking socks as I shake them off my feet and leave them by the door, a thin outline of my feet follows behind me as I make my way further into my apartment. Kicking my lights on I shield my eyes and make my way to the kitchen.

"What should I have...?" looking into the small fridge I can see a few cans of beer/soda and an assortment of fruits in random stages of rot. "I really need to go shopping" deciding tonight was not a night for a full mean I close the fridge and settle for a small tub of (favorite/flavor) ice-cream and a glass of whiskey. My wet clothes shift uncomfortably on my body.

"I really need to change." I set the tub down on the small glass table of my living room and turn on the tv bringing some noise to quiet confines of my apartment. I shuffle to my room and shake out of my cold clothes they stick to every inch of my skin and hit the floor with a slap, immediately soaking the dark wood floors. Shuffling through the contents in my dresser I grab a pair or simple grey sweats with a t-shirt and cardigan. The soft wool warms me up almost instantly, leaving the cold night a distant memory on my skin. Taking one of the many blankets of my bed I make my way back into the now warm living room, my whiskey and ice cream still waiting for me as I find my place among the pillows of the couch. My soft blanket fluttering over my form and settling above me sealing my cacoon of warmth and protecting me from the chilled air outside.

*after a good hour of clicking through channels because we all know none of us can settle on one show and stick to it*

"why is nothing good on?" I click through yet another boring channel, long lost any of the mildly interesting ones. My cup empty and the tub of ice cream discarded to the table in front of me long ago. A soft drip catches my attention as I give up on the TV a click it off, sliding my hand underneath the blanket I find my spoon. It may not be a good weapon but it will do something and that better than nothing.

"who is there?" I ask while moving the many pillows and blankets off me to stand and face the intruder, a familiar smell of cigars and expensive whiskey hits my nose before I can even turn and a familiar voice speaks.

"now that's no way to greet a guest" silcos slick voice speaks from behind me, he gives a slight chuckle to the sight of the spoon in my hand. "you planed on using that against me?" laughing some more he removes his coat before setting it on the edge of my couch, not paying any mind to the amount of water he has placed on my sofa. His maroon shirt clings to his skin in some places, obviously he didn't plan on going out in the rain. Loosening his tie he removes the spoon from my hand and allows me to turn and face him.

"what are you doing here silco?" I release the breath I had been holding and move fold my blanket. Attempting and failing to fill the awkward silence of the room. I've been working by silcos side since long before the incident with vander. We were closer than friends but nothing even close to a relationship, even though if I am honest with myself ive grown feelings for my dear friend silco over the years. Would I ever act on it? No, I cant ruin what we have. I am happy with how things are right now and I can't nor wont do anything to ruin that. Or at least that's what I keep telling myself.

"I was seeing how long it would take you to notice I was here. You know for someone who kills for a living you sure don't pay attention to your surroundings very well." He gives a sly smirk and moves around me to take a seat on my couch. "I've been here since that episode of (favorite/show) came on." He moves a pillow and pulls out a cigar.

"I should have known... well since you're here want anything?" I grab my glass off the table in front of him and move back into my kitchen.

"no, not tonight." He answers.

"alrighty." Pouring another glass of whiskey I make my way back into the room. He sits calmly on the couch leaning back and blowing rings of smoke into the air. If only he knew how much his simple movements sent me into a trance.

"well are you going to come back in here or sit there and stare all day?" his eyes flutter towards me as he motions towards the couch with a lazy wave of his hand.

"any reason for the sudden visit? If its work it could have waited unit the morning." An annoyed sigh leaves my lips as I sit aside silco on the not so big couch, I am almost laying on him with the amount of pillows on the couch. A lazy arm rests on the back of the couch behind me and I restart my search through the TV channels.

"do I need a reason? You come bother me without reason almost every day." He sends out another puff of smoke into the ceiling, seeming to pay no mind to the TV or anything for that matter. He seemed to be in his own little world, distracted.

"hey are you ok? You seem out of it." I turn to look at him, now stopping my repetitive clicking through channels.

"huh? No i am fine." He doesn't even move a muscle to look at me but instead keeps focused on the ceiling.

"silco I know when somethings up, there is no point in lying to me." Now clicking off the volume of the TV to face him completely he finally looks towards me for a split second before resuming his staring match with the TV.

"I am just thinking." Silence again fills the room as I refuse to look away from him. I know when something is up and I know there is something wrong with him right now. The silco I know never refused to let me in on what bothers him, from simple mishaps with the other leaders in the undercity to jinx causing problems with the council in piltover. He always let me help, but today it seems like he has found something that's not worth letting me help. I don't know what could be so bad that he wouldn't let me help. If I am being honest its kind of worrying.

"thinking about what?" I lay my head on his arm and look at him, looking for even the slightest movement in his expression but nothing came. He just watched the smoke rings above him and nothing else.

"I am thinking about...." He drifts off lost in what he was going to say.

"what?" I shift closer to him now merely inches away from him as I wait for him to continue. The fresh smell of smoke and rain adorns his shirt. A very comforting scent, I would have stayed there forever if I could. A hand suddenly wraps my shoulders pulling me ever so closer to him. Before I can even process I can feel his cold lips meet mine, sitting there frozen there Is nothing to do but process. But before I can even think he pulls back. Oh how I wish it could have lasted forever, to be here with him forever but alas; something always has to ruin the good moments. Just like every time something good happened to me, a crashing outside led to an end in our moment and silco had no choice but to leave just as suddenly as he had arrived. Whisked away to deal with another problem, as if he doesn't have anything else to be doing.. like staying here with me. No he has to do what he needs to, if he didn't the whole place would have fallen apart years ago.

"I was thinking about you." He states quietly before disappearing behind my door and out of the building. The smell of smoke lingers making me think he was still by my side.

I cant wait to see him again tomorrow.

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