Part One

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"Dan, you coming?" the black haired boy called out to his room mate. A repeated melody of footsteps from the boy named Daniel rang in his ears down the stairs. He grinned at Phil happily, of whom Phil replied by sticking his long tongue out at him. Then Phil noticed how Dan was topless.

"Are you going to put a shirt on, or?" giggled Phil, staring at his friend's bare chest for longer than he probably should have, coughing uneasily once he realised. Daniel blushed awkwardly, running into the main room and returning with his favourite shirt - the black one with the white circle. Before he put it on, he examined his own body and gave a confused look. "Why have I got a random bruise next to my nipple?"

Phil began to laugh, looking at the bruise. "I swear everybody just gets random bruises, Dan. Don't be such a drama queen."

Dan pouted, pulling on the shirt. "Well I like my body to look glamorous. Where are we even going?"

"Town I guess. I wanted to pick up a copy of Deathnote." 

"Ah, alright. Let me get my wallet."

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