chapter eighteen / promise

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 Our Place

Schools Rooftop

I just need to get up some stairs. It cant be that hard. I made it until here. 

God I am so afraid. My hands are shaking. I just want this to end.

All I need right now is a hug. His hug. Izukus hug. To feel safe. Because right now the last thing I am feeling is safe. 

I peek at the hallway to see if anybody is there. The only thing I see are three dead bodies.

Man I just have to walk pass them without doing anything. And then it came up to my mind.

Has anybody called the police? 

What am I even doing? I should try to find a way to call the police.

I search for my phone at my pockets but it isnt there. I was in panic and it didnt cross my mind to take my phone with me.

I am so so stupid.

Should I go back? Or should I go to the rooftop? 

This question feels like

Should I try to help other people? Or should I only care about MY people?

I should go take my phone.

Without thinking I start running towards my class.

Everything was quiet in there. 

I go and try to find my backpack. And there I see Keiko

All over her blood. My best friend just died. And I left her dead body as if it was nothing. Just to save myself. Why am I being so egoistic today? 


I say to myself

Find the phone and more people are going to survive.

I hear some footsteps

Thats not good

Im terrified

And then i heard his voice

Izukus Voice

I try to stand up but something is holding me down

"Please save me" , one of my classmates


"Asahi" , he is almost screaming

"Please dont let me die. I am so afraid" , the girl is saying to me again



Izuku is here

Stand up

"Izuku?" , i stand up

He is alive

God thank you he is alive

Izuku is alive

He is grabbing Kento.

I run up to them and hug them

"We need to do something" , I say

"I know" 

I look at Kento and he seems awful

His eyes are red and he is not saying a word

"You dont seem happy that i am alive" , I say to him

but he wont even look at me

"what happend?" 


oh man

"Is there someone alive?" , Izuku asks

"This one girl here" , I say and go to look after her

But when I go back here she is not there


I am so confused

She was right here

And she coudnt move?

Izuku realises that something is wrong and he comes up to hug me

"relax , i am here" , he says

and now I feel safe

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