Part 2

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Within seconds, the entire hallway was crowded around the lockers. As if the whole goddamned school had been summoned to see some sort of show. Which, judging by the laughter, they seemed to be expecting.

I felt completely stuck. Just stood there still as a statue, looking at the thug blocking my locker with that horribly familiar sadistic smirk on his face.

"Morning, Y/n. Careful, there's a ghost behind you!"

Everyone started to laugh. I wanted to cry. What's wrong with these people? I mean what the hell goes through their minds when they do this. How could anyone think seeing someone being humiliated like this is funny? But then again Namjoon was hot and popular so of course these pathetic fans of his would go along with anything he would do. But why does he do these things to me? I've never done anything to him.

"What do you want?" I asked quietly.

Namjoon gasped dramatically and looked around at his three best friends Park Jimin Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook. "Get a load of this, guys! The coward speaks!"

Everyone laughed again. Namjoon smirked clearly enjoying the attention, then started walking towards me. I immediately tensed and backed away. "G-get away. I don't want you near me." I suddenly backed into someone and they shoved me hard towards Namjoon, who grabbed my hair. I whimpered in pain as he harshly yanked my hair, forcing me to look up at him.

"Why don't you open your locker, Y/n?"

I stared in confusion. "Why?"

"Because I said so!" He half shouted making me flinch. "And you know what I'll do if you don't do as you're told!"

He glared at me as people once again started laughing. Then grinned broadly and pushed me towards my locker. I stumbled and almost fell but managed to keep my balance.

"Go on. Open it."

Something bad's gonna happen. He put something in my locker. He's gonna pull yet another stupid scare prank on me in front of everyone. No. Screw my books and screw his stupid threat. I need to get out of here.

I made to step towards my locker but then I turned and tried to bolt. Well you can guess how well that worked out for me. I was literally surrounded. They were determined to keep me here. People were beside themselves with laughter. I felt tears well up in my eyes. I am so embarrassed.

Three pairs of hands roughly grabbed me, making me yelp in pain. Taehyung Jungkook and Jimin dragged me back towards the lockers. "L-let me go!"

"Trying to escape? You're really asking for it, Y/n." Namjoon said, cracking his knuckles. My eyes went huge and my breath hitched in my throat. He smirked again and pointed at my locker. "Open it or suffer the consequences."

His friends shoved me towards my locker, all wearing the same sadistic smirk as Namjoon. I really don't have a choice, do I?

Laughter and cat calls ringing in my ears, I reached out with a trembling hand and slowly put in my combination. The tears were now streaming down my face. No one was there to help me. The one person who always did was in another part of the school.

I pulled my locker open, saw the contents inside of it, and jumped away with a scream. Panic immediately consumed me. I felt sick. I couldn't even hear the laughter anymore. My ears were ringing too loud. I squeezed my eyes shut and sobbed.

Sitting in my locker was a large black spider. The eyes. The fangs. The legs. Oh god, the legs. I can't breathe. Years of therapy were forgotten. I hadn't thought about this particular incident from my childhood in a very long time.

And now, thanks to that son of a bitch Kim Namjoon, it was all coming back.

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