Chapter 1

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Warning abuse. Please do not read if you are triggered by abuse. - Whywritenow22


Kathrine's POV:

It's the day before the wedding and my father has yet to confront me on my role in this marriage. I know that he would not marry me off for nothing, I am his precious slave. He can beat me and order me around with no questions asked. This is mainly because of his status in the business world, but I am also his blood so no worker would dare ask about me.

I just wish he would tell me what I am supposed to do while I am married to Mr. Rossi. He had to have gained something important. Then again just being related to Mr. Rossi will be good for his business.


My alarm clock brought me out of my head. I got up and got prepared for the day of chores ahead. Making sure that my bandages were not able to be seen through my shirt I headed to the kitchen.

I saw that the housemaids were just sitting around and talking instead of working. This was not new though they always sat around and waited for me to do the work. Even though I did the work it did not stop them from telling Sir that I was slacking, and they had to do it themselves.

I made eggs, bacon, and muffins for breakfast. I took the plates of food to the dining room where Sir would be in exactly twenty seconds. I placed them in the middle of the table and stood to the side.

My father took his seat at the long dining room table. After many of his men sat at their respected spots. I moved forward to serve my father. I placed three scoops of eggs, four pieces of bacon, and one muffin onto his plate.

I went to serve him some of his morning coffee but as I was walking to him with my head down another maid tripped me. I noticed it too late, and the coffee spilled all over him.

"You good for nothing brat! You can't do anything right! Get on your knees and apologies!" Sir ordered. I obeyed.

"Sorry, Sir. It won't happen again." I repeatedly said. As I was apologizing, I heard the maid's snicker. I noticed that while listening to my surroundings I had hesitated. This observation came a little too late as I felt the impact of Sir's foot on my stomach.

"Sir, please!" I cried as he repeatedly kicked me. I tried to get away, but he just kicked whatever he could reach.

"You selfish brat, you will obey me without hesitation!" He yelled. Pulling me by my hair to meet his eyes, he laughed.

"You are going to love your new master come tomorrow, that boy has never let me down. He will treat you as you are meant to be treated, and I will get the bonus of a new investor who can boost my business." He screamed in my face.

"Now for your punishment. I think a day and a night in the cells will do you good! Oh, and the boys have free range this time on the weapons they can use. Boys take her away!" He ordered mockingly.

Now normally I would be silent when he decides my punishment but today, I couldn't hold it in.

"No, please. Sir, please!" I begged. I should have known better than to bag that just makes him happier when he hears the despair in my voice. I was dragged out of the room and into the basement where the cells were. Thrown into the cell at the very end of the chamber I lost all hope of seeing the light of day for the next twenty-four hours.

He is not lying when he says that I would be locked away for a day and a night. Even though my wedding is tomorrow I will still be beaten and punished. 'The magic of makeup' is what my father said when I had the courage to ask him before an event, he had taken me to.

I tried to get comfortable before the boys would get done with their breakfast because if I don't then it will just hurt more.

I heard their footsteps before I saw them. They wore ugly grins on their battered faces. I tried to get to the farthest corner, but my back would not allow me to do anything but fall over.

"What do you think we should do this time? Should we kick her till she bleeds from her stomach, or should we use the new tools?" The biggest of them grinned mischievously.

With the majority of the boys nodding to option two I knew I would not be able to function much longer. I saw three men bring in a table covered with brand new whips. The whips had shards sticking to the material.

"Well since we have no objection we shall start." Again, the biggest one led the one-sided conversation.

He picked up the whip that looked to have glass sticking out of it. He brought it up above his head and brought it down on my stomach. I squirmed to get away from the torture. As I covered my stomach I had exposed my back. I stilled when I felt three consecutive hits land on my back. I curled myself as much as I could and then I stilled.

The torture went on and on. It felt like it was never going to end. Yet with all of the places that marked and slashed they avoided my face. I felt myself start to give into the darkness that wanted to consume me. I tried to fight it. I didn't want to be tortured while I was not able to witness it. Who knows what the boys would do then?

All my efforts failed when I felt the whip hit my side and tear it open. I was consumed by the darkness.

I woke up in my room which is better than the cell but still just a closet with a mattress placed on the floor. I noticed that the bigger wounds were patched up. Most likely because of the wedding. I don't know what time or day it is, so I got up and put on my rags. I left the 'safety' of my closet and headed to do my chores.

I ran into the head maid.

"You are summoned to your father's office." She walked away giving me no clues as to what was going to happen.

I knocked three times on the door then proceeded to walk in the room.

"It's about time you got up! You have a wedding to be at in two hours!"

Two hours! I was to be married in two hours!

"You will be prepared in the maid's quarters and WILL be in the car in one hour! Understood?"

I nodded my head yes and turned to leave. Before I could close the door he yelled, "And don't you speak a word from this time forward!" The door closed.


Hope you liked this chapter. If I made any mistakes please let me know. thanks for reading - Whywritenow22

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