Jesus Has Saved Me - Lesson 6

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Help Someone Find God

Has someone ever helped you with something really important? Maybe it was a big school assignment or learning how to ride a bike. Helping people is one of the greatest things you can do in life, and the greatest way you can help someone is to help them find God. It is through trusting in Jesus that someone can have a relationship with God, and that is the greatest need we all have—to know our Creator. In fact, the whole reason Jesus came to earth was to help lost people find God. He said,"It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners" (Mark 2:17). Do you know someone who is spiritually sick? The only one who can heal someone is Jesus, and you can introduce them!

Have You Two Met?

Imagine that you knew the person who invented the cure for cancer. Not only did you know him, but he was your brother. Think how excited you would be every time you met someone with cancer! You’d probably be more excited to meet cancer victims than healthy people. That’s why Jesus said that He came for the sick. He is the only cure for sin and separation from God. Do you know how to introduce someone to Jesus? It’s easy. You just tell them that they can be forgiven of their sins and have a relationship with God by trusting Jesus as their Savior. You can give them this promise from the Bible: "If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved" (Romans 10:9). Or you can point them to Think of someone you can help to find God and ask Jesus to guide you.

How I Helped Someone Find God

"Sharing the Gospel can be a very difficult thing to do. But I’ve realized it's not my job to be the next Billy Graham, it's my job to be myself. I was at the beach at night praying and a group of high school students jumped out of a limo. They had just finished Prom. One of the guys approached me, wondering why I was alone at the beach. I told him what I was doing and how God had helped me in my life. The whole group surrounded us as I started to tell everyone about Jesus and His love, and the guy gave his life to Jesus in front of all of his friends. Your testimony of what Jesus has done for you is incredibly powerful. The more that you step out and tell about what God did for you, the more the Holy Spirit will work in the hearts of those you speak to. It doesn't have to be a sermon, it just needs to be YOU!" -A, Berry

For Today

Thank Jesus for saving you and wanting to save everyone else. Think of one person who is going through a hard time and needs to hear about Jesus. Ask God to help you talk to them.

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