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Like I had thought, the day of leaving was
filled with tears. We had all arrived hours earlier for the flight and there was a silence among them. The silence felt like it could be sliced with a knife and he could see that beneath all their happy faces, my parents look old and tired. My brother was also silent. My brother and I have never got along well, but that day felt like it could change anything.

We had waited for some time when the
announcement came that the flight was delayed, so we had our lunch at the airport hotel. Even the atmosphere surrounding us during the lunch felt uncomfortable. And then, after hours of waiting in what felt like silent hell, the plane arrived and the
boarding was announced.

My mother had cried and dad also seemed
close to tears. They had said their byes and among my friends only Jon had came to wish me off. Jon was my best friend. We had known each other since we were in
kindergarten, and we had grown up to be like brothers. We have been through some tough times together. Jon's family have always been kind to me. But now, I could see that Jon was also close to tears.

In the end, I couldn't take all the crying
and tears, so I wiped the tears off and said my goodbyes. "It's just for a few years mom, I'll be back before you know it. Now don't cry" I said before leaving.My father stood firm but he seemed like he could fall any minute. He didn't say anything, instead he just came to me and hugged me. Even though we never got along my brother also came and hugged me before saying goodbye. After exchanging goodbye with Jon I set out to the last checkpoint to board the plane.

As I boarded the plane after saying the
goodbyes, I had the slightest flicker of hope that I would see them all again soon. That thought bought comfort to my mind. But what I or anyone else couldn't have seen or known was the fact that, I would never see my parents of my friends again for within a month I would be one among the hundreds who had gone missing.

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