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This is super simple and many people with alters will often tell you not to ask certain people to front or just touch or petname without asking! WE HAVE RULES JUST LIKE THIS!

Say we get a new alter and they dm you all confused! Feel feee to attempt to help out said alter just please for crying out loud ask before petnaming (calling them names such as Honey or love etc.) and touching! I can gladly explain this but this is super important!

Even with already existing alters!:
Some alters such as Alé and all of our pro/persecutors (with some exceptions) shouldn't be touched! Some alters don't like touch at all or like being called pet names! Even if we follow you or are close with you! If you know an alter currently fronting that likes to be touched or is ok with it then have at it! But persecutors and prosecutors shouldn't be touched for your own safety!

Examples of alters:
These are dangerous alters! We are all for not labeling alters as dangerous just because of their role or source but PLEASE tell us if they are fronting! All you have to say is "Olive", "Daisy", "Alé" and well pull them out of front. Thank you

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