ɢᴏᴛʜ ᴄʜɪᴄᴋ ᴘᴛ.2

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    There was nothing left we could do but watch, it was too late, the damage was done, Matilda had already seen Scott's hideous face up close, and she.. was smiling? HOW! Dylan and I sat down at our usual table, which was only a couple tables away from Matilda and the other goths at our school. Nathan, who got here before us was also watching their conversation, Matilda kept laughing and it seemed to be going quite well actually.

    "Huh..... This just doesn't make sense.." I tilted my head, "Matilda was being seriously serious I guess." Dylan said, "Maybe we should stop teasing Scott, he's finally a man, anyways I'm hungry, let's get in line guys." We stood up, still watching Scott until we reached the lunch line.

    After a while Scott came over and cut in with us, "Sooo, how'd it go?" I asked, "She.. she asked if I wanted to go on a date after school.." Scott smiled, looking down at his fidgeting hands. Dylan slapped him hard on the back, "Congratulations! Welcome to the club!" He said, being the only one out of all four of us to get the most partners. Nathan and I rolled our eyes. "So where are you two going?" Dylan asked, "Oh, just the cemetery.." he responded, "JUST the cemetery??? For a first date???" Scott shrugged.

    "Yeah dude, that's a little weird!" Nathan said, "Well, sh-she told me, she wanted to clarify it's not for anything creepy, it's just her favorite place to clear her mind, meaning it'll be easier to focus on me and get to know me!! Which I thought was pretty sweet." Scott explained, "Okay, I guess that kind of makes sense.." Dylan said, "Are you guys gonna get anything to eat?" I asked, "Yeah, I was thinking Chinese food, since the closest restaurant is City Wok.." 

    We moved up to the counter and got our nasty school pizza, with too much cheese that you can tell is a week old, and headed back to our table. But before sitting down, Matilda came up and grabbed Scott's arm, "Do you wanna sit with me?" She asked, his face went completely red, almost matching his hair, and we stared back at him, waiting for his response, Nathan even nodded, letting him know it was cool. "I- U-uhm.. Uh y- yeah..!!" He stuttered.

    "So, tell me some basic things about yourself! Like your favorite color, show, ya know, whatever you want." Matilda smiled, twirling her hair with her fingers, "I.. uhm.. Purple." He said, "Ah! I love purple, do you mean like lavender or plum purple?" She asked, "...Regular?" Scott tilted his head, "Regular! That's so cute." Matilda laughed, "How is she such a social butterfly..?" I asked, "I know right! Scott on the other hand got all his energy sucked out of him just by saying a single color." Nathan said.

    Matilda looked at Scott's tray, "Are you gonna eat your pizza?" She asked, "No.. Do you.. want it?" He asked, "Oh no! I was just wondering cause you haven't touched it yet." She said, Scott giggled a little bit, and she tilted her head, smiling "Hm? What's so funny?" She asked, "Oh it's just.. the thing you said.." Oh god. "It reminds me of that meme that's like 'what's wrong babe? you haven't touched your dino nuggets yet' or something, and it's usually between like-" He looks up and sees Matilda has absolutely no clue what he's talking about, as her face has not yet changed, "...Y-you know what.. never mind..." Scott slouched.

    Finally, lunch was over and so was stalking Scott, praying he wouldn't do something awkward or stupid, and thankfully he didn't. We stood up and threw away our trays and waited for Scott to walk with us, but he just went on ahead with Matilda clinging onto his arm. "Geez, has he forgotten about us?" I said, "No, nooo! You guys, they're in their honeymoon phase! They'll get over it soon!" Dylan shook his head. "Today is literally the first time they've ever interacted what are you talking about." Nathan said, "Well.. Yeah but, Matilda seems like a pretty affectionate person, just be proud of him will you!?" Dylan said.

    "I am proud! They're very cute together." I said, "But....?" Dylan leaned over, "But nothing, that's all" "See! That's the spirit (Y/N), alright I gotta head to class, see ya." He said, walking away, Nathan and I waved goodbye to Dylan and then to each other. I walked into Chemistry, sat down and when the bell rang, I laid my head down on my desk and took a nice forty-five minute nap, as I usually do in this class.

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