It Was Always About You

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As everyone else lay there lifeless. Makima searches through the jacket of one of the bodies, taking out a Cigarette Pack and a Lighter.

Her face didn't have the usual smile that it did. It was replaced by a neutral, flat line as she sat down, her back against one of the crosses in the graveyard.

Taking out one of the cigarettes, she tries to light it with the help of the Lighter.




But it doesn't work, the cigarette was a bit soggy due to the blood on the pack. So she takes out another, and this time it light's up without issue.

Taking a puff at her cigarette, she let's the sweetness and bitterness of the smoke coat her mouth before she exhales, staring into the non existent void in front of her. Her thoughts running a thousand miles a second.

Koff! Koff! Koff!

Pressing the cigarette into the ground, she sits there, letting everything that happened soak in. She had finally done it, She killed Denji and Got the chainsaw Devil's heart.

The very one in her palm as she stared at it.

But, even tho she might seem like she doesn't care about anything else. Her eyes told a completely different story.

"I did it, I finally have chainsaw man all to myself. So then... Why do I feel so damn empty?"

Tears... Tears were welling up in her eyes. She didn't know what to feel at the moment as her emotions overwhelmed her. She grabs the heart of the chainsaw devil and hugs it as she let's her emotions out.

It was a rare sight to see her cry, and Denji was the only one who had ever seen her like that. He was the only one who gave her a sense of relief, a sense of happiness whenever he was with her.




The only name on her mind was his, the only face she could remember was his, his scent was one she remembered the best.

"I-I'm sorry... I'm so sorry, Denji...! I killed everyone! Aki... Power... You...! I'm sorry...!"

As she let's out her emotions, she fails to notice the figure nearing her from behind before it's too late.

She could smell the similar scent of the one she remembered so well.

This scent... Denji!

Her eyes widen as she tries to look back but it's already too late as denji stands beside her, chainsaw in hand.

Motioning his chainsaw downwards, Denji cuts through makima's torso horizontally with a gush of blood flowing out right after

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Motioning his chainsaw downwards, Denji cuts through makima's torso horizontally with a gush of blood flowing out right after.

Makima only stays Shocked and surprised as she falls to her knees, the blood not stopping it's flow, if not only increasing.

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