Part 1

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Anne Garcia

I know that my family always says I'm too busy to even go with my family to vacation  but that is not true. I am a top player for my track team and my life is going well so far one day I might be at the top of London . To be honest i got a lot on my plate i am the only 

homo in my family this is a lot cause every time my family thinks someone is a homo they will never stop talking about how they cant believe that a person would think they're in love with the same gender but i don't really listen i start to get annoyed listening to it every day like if only i could shut them out . 

Kimberly Richmen

Sometimes I try to settle out by learning all the dances and moves for the tournament tomorrow. My boyfriend and mom are going to be there so I can be really focused when I know my friends and family are looking .

 Nobody's know but i had a girlfriend before and i truly loved her but i wasn't officially cause my friend thought that she was not lesbian but im not i have not dated a girl since 2 years . To be honest i don't know  what i even am like am i pan or am i lesbian or am i just normal well i might have to go to bed before i lose my sleep . Even when i am try and go to sleep i keep think about my mom was really supportive probably more supportive than she is supposed to be like for my birthday she got a flag saying " Im Gay Deal with it" with rainbow tye dye but i love her 

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