Chapter Nine - Shattered Memories

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Chapter 9 - Shattered Memories (Epilogue)

The swamp Switch had landed in was hot and humid. Night had fallen, and Switch plowed through the undergrowth of weeds. Switch, no older than 8 at the time, had no idea where she was. She had landed here after she followed the other lombaxes through a purple gateway. She continued walking through the swamps as she searched for friends or her protector Lockyn. She remembered right before she followed the others through, Lockyn had been arguing with his best friend Kaden. She remembered Kaden insisted that he stayed behind to save his wife and son. Her protector and adopted father Lockyn had insisted he accompanied them, but Kaden utterly refused.

"Is anyone here!?" she shouted. She was choking back tears, there was no response to her cries for help. The young lombax was alone. She slumped against a tree and began to sob, she put her face into her knees and curled her long red tail around her ankles.

"Where are you Lockyn?" she sobbed. It then began to rain on Oozla. Nearby, she could hear the faint cries of what sounded like an infant lombax. She got up and ran toward the cries. She knew the sounds of a baby lombax, she had helped care for Lockyn's god daughter. She moved quickly now, as she moved through the dark swamps.

"Hello!?" She yelled. As she walked, the cries began to grow louder. She then came to a clearing and found a baby lombax, he was brown with white stripes. As she approached the infant, someone called her name.

"Switch!?" the voice came. She turned and out of the darkness ran Lockyn, with him were many other lombaxes. Lockyn ran forward and scooped her up, he hugged her tightly.

"Lockyn! I thought you were gone." She said.

"Not the easily." He said. Lockyn set her back down on the ground. His fur was saturated from the rain.

"Where are we?" she said.

"I'm not sure, it looks like we got split up. This wasn't supposed to happen. We are missing a lot of our friends here. Little Arex is here, and his parents." Lockyn said and pointed to the small baby lombax that had been crying. He was bundled up on the ground in a small blanket.

"Where's everyone else?" Switch said. Lockyn grabbed her arm and led her back to the rest of the lombaxes.

"I'm not sure, but my god daughter is missing too. I can't find her." He said and looked down at the ground.

"I know she's here somewhere!" Switch said as she perked up. Lockyn picked her up and put her on his shoulders.

"Right you are, we will find her." He spoke. They then rejoined the other lombaxes.

Switch awoke with a start in Rivet's hideout on Sargasso, she was covered in a heavy sweat. Her fur was damp and heavy. She sat up and panted heavily. Small beads of sweat dripped off her snout.

"That dream.." she said to herself. It was a dream she had not had for a very long time. As she grew up on Oozla and fought against Emperor Tachyon with Lockyn, the dream was frequent. It had not reoccurred for many years, but why now? It was spurring something in her mind. Her mind was drifting to dimensional counterparts, and the other dimension Nefarious had sent her to. Her dimensionator was sitting on the small workbench in Rivet's hideout. As switch walked over to Rivet's computer terminal, she glanced over. Ratchet was still unconscious in Rivet's bed. She had no idea how long they had both been out, she remembered the explosion that had sent them flying off the tower when the two dimensionator beams collided. It was the last thing she remembered.

She sat down at Rivet's computer and opened a voice log.

"Right, so it's me. I now know what happened all those years ago. All of these years growing up and becoming a scientist. I always thought dimensional travel was just a myth. All the lombaxes I grew up with never talked about other dimensions. It's all making sense now. That day, we escaped to another dimension. The purple gateway I followed the others through was a rift. I can't believe all these years I was so blind to the fact that we had all traversed dimensions through a rift. How could I have grown up so ignorant? I had another dream tonight and now the dream makes sense. It was the day we escaped from our home dimension to our new home. The day Lockyn lost his god daughter and the day we started to rebuild our life on Oozla. Something was strange, why this time? I'm doing some thinking on this whole dimensional counterpart nonsense. How exactly, can there be actual dimensional counterparts? I mean, it can't really exist right?"

Rivet & Kit: Shattered DimensionsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang