Any chance of living??

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Once upon of time there was a village, not a lot of people lived there.

there was 2 sister's named Rin and Mio, They were very poor and they starved them self. The next day as the morning rises Mio ask Rin "dear sister can I go outside?? there is something that I need to do" said Mio. Rin replied "Of course you can just get home before it starts to go sunset."

Mio hug Rin and said "Thanks sister, you're the best." Rin laughed while being hug by mio with a replied " you're welcome." Mio goes outside and start doing something. Rin has a weird feeling after she goes outside but she didn't mind it.

Mio got home late and said "Sorry sis I didn't meant to come home this late." Rin forgived her and said "It's alright I'm worried if you were hurt." It kept going the same all over again.

one day Mio come home very very late, she was surprised to see rin looking at her with a mad face... "I TOLD YOU NOT TO COME HOME LATE..." Mio got scared at standing in front of rin with a worried face. Rin asked "why are you smilling?!" Mio said "Oh it's nothing..." rin came with a final thought "you have been eating a delicious meal aren't you?! I csn't believe you are backstabbing me" Mio replied "Wait it's not like that... I promise" Then again rin replied "I WOULD NOT BELIEVE YOU ANYMORE" rin runs towards mio.. mio said "WAIT-" but it was too late rin ate her own sister with the word of "WHAT COULD BE A BETTER IDEA OF ME CONSUMING YOU".

as rin stood up she saw's a mio's bag full with money. Rin cried, realizing that mio wasn't backstabbing her, she lied down beside mio's dead body saying "I'm so sorry I didn't meant this to happen..." when rin stood up a mouth appear, it was the mouth of mio. Rin said "I'm glad you are still staying by my side." mio replied "I'm sorry..." then rin replied "shall we find/grab some food??". They both agreed and start walking outside

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2022 ⏰

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