after school with little Kokichi

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Caregiver: Shuichi
Regressor/little: Kokichi

Kokichi got home from school and started doing his homework. Shuichi was going over to his Kaito's house with Maki and the 3 of them were going to do homework together. After about an hour of homework Kokichi was almost done but he could feel himself regressing. Before he knew it he was fully regressed and he wanted Shuichi. He started crying for Shuichi like he could hear it (even tho he couldn't).

After about half an hour of crying Shuichi got home and saw the crying regressed boy and went over to him. "Baby, what's wrong" he said to Kokichi and calmed him down. "I wan wou Dada." Kokichi said to Shuichi. "Dada's here Baby, don't cry" Shuichi said back. Kokichi ran of got some toys for him and Shuichi to play with. "Why have you got this baby" Shuichi asked. "Pway wif me Dada" Kokichi said. "Okay Baby" Shuichi agreed and played with he until it was time for Shuichi to make dinner.

"I've got to go make dinner Baby" Shuichi said to Kokichi. "Oki Dada" Kokichi replied back letting Shuichi go and make dinner. "Come here Baby" Shuichi quietly yelled as to not upset him. "Comin Dada" Kokichi said as he was running over to Shuichi. "Here's your dinner Baby" Shuichi said giving Kokichi a plate of chicken nuggets. "Thankies Dada" Kokichi said happily to Shuichi. "You're welcome Baby" Shuichi said back.

After dinner it was time for Kokichi to go to bed but first he needed a shower because he was a mess. "Come on Baby, it's time to have a shower" Shuichi said to Kokichi. "Noooooooooooooo" he yelled as he ran off so he didn't have to take a shower. Shuichi chased after him so he would stop running and take a shower. Shuichi caught up to him pretty quickly since Kokichi wasn't that fast and carefully dragged him over to the bathroom. "No showa" Kokichi exclaimed as he tried to run off again. Luckily Shuichi was holding on to him. Shuichi ran the shower and put Kokichi in it. Kokichi again tried to escape but Shuichi stopped him. After that Kokichi finally realised that he couldn't escape.

After he was done taking a shower Shuichi dried him of and put him in warm pyjamas. "No swep" Kokichi said. Shuichi got out his favourite stuffy and paci and said "you can only have this if you hop into bed". Kokichi hopped into bed very fast. Shuichi gave Kokichi the stuff he promised and said goodnight to the little. After saying goodnight he went to do the dishes and hopped into bed when he was done. Kokichi was already asleep when he hopped into bed. When he was in bed he decided not to watch anything as he didn't want to wake up Kokichi so he went straight to sleep.

Sorry it's so short I have never written anything like this before so I wasn't really sure what to write but I tried my best and I think it turned out good. let me know what you think and if I should write more.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2022 ⏰

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