Void drinking coffee

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Back with Malikai and the others*

They mate it into the familiar room with the golden statue holding a dark crystal

Morty: Ooh!

Smarty- Wow....

Pentol: I'm scared coming back here

Arabella- Chicken

Pentol: That's it! Your getting the wet willy!

Arabella screams and runs

Pentol chases her: Come here!

Arabella- Big bro help me !!!

Malikai used his magic to grab Pentol*

Arabella- Ha ha !

Pentol: No fair!

???- Well well well

They looked*

They see Bierce herself

Smarty- Huh ?

Malikai: Bierce, good to see you again

Bierce- Mhm

Blitzo: So why did you send us a letter?

Bierce- For a mission of course

Morty: I'm up for it

Beirce- You have to go each and every one of those realms

Pentol sees the grim reaper nurse realm: Ugh, I hate those bitches...

They look at the realms

Smarty: This will take a while

Beirce- Achieve all the ring pieces and you'll be free. But if you lose you all will meet fates very worse than death await you

Morty: Easy peasie...

Bierce chuckles darkly.

Bierce- You'll see.

With Void....

He is getting coffee as Vero whimpers as he crawled over a little afraid of earlier

Void sighs sadly, Vero crawls to him*

Vero- Papa ?

Void looks at him: Hey son

Vero whines is he okay

Void: No... I got out of control and hurt your sister....

Vero whines what happened

Void: Your sister is yelling at me, I told her to stop but she keeps yelling, that what made me snap inside...

Vero whimpered

Void sits down having coffee*

Vexa comes in silent to make her own coffee

Vero: Sis sis!

Vexa looks

Vero hugs her leg*

Vexa looks

Void sighs and pets Darceus*

He remembers the time he and Vexa were close.

Years and years ago......

Vexa is three years old drawing with crayons in the living room

Void is busy with his magic*

Vexa- Bah !

Void looks: Hm?

Vexa shows him a cute drawing of her and him holding hands as she babbles

Void: Awwwww, thank you sweetie

Vexa giggles before she started to rub her eyes and yawn

Void picks her up: You tired sweetie?

Vexa- Mhm...

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