Dear Diary,

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I literally cannot live without my phone, I know lots of people my age say that and they're usually being dramatic because,  well they probably are but I rely on my cellphone to keep me alive because ever since I was 4, I've had a bionic heart crafted by IBM labs that I can control using the MiBeats app on my iPhone. No one other than the principal knows about my heart and I'm fine just being an ordinary girl with no one knowing I could be considered a cyborg.

Today was another day of school, I sat down in my 11th grade English class and we were introduced to a new boy named Azrail Cordula, he wore his jet black hair in spikes swooped to the side, sunglasses, a black hoodie and ripped jeans. He waltzed over to the empty desk behind mine and slammed his notebook on the desk, opening it to a random page and drawing various kinds of knives with his pencil, growing more infuriated as he drew more. All the beautiful girls started whispering and some of them began writing love poems for him. Kathlynn Chandler walked up to him holding a love poem she wrote for him, ''My dearest Azrail, Your eyes gleam of moonlight, your hair black as night, you are cooler than a summer night's breeze, you sparkle under starlight so let me be your shimmering dusk, Azrail Cordula will you be my boyfriend?'' ''No. I'm not into choir girls.''

 You see diary, all the pretty and popular girls are members of the school choir with the Kathy's ruling over all of them, Kathlynn Chandler the almighty queen of soliloquies, Katherine Duke with no personality outside being a Kathy but she does run the yearbook and Kathrine Wilson Head Soprano, her mom is loaded! She owns a Starbucks. Im getting off track, once the bell rang signifying the end of class Azrail gazed at her with his silver grey eyes and her cheeks became tinted pink as she drew out her phone to open her MiBeats app and raise her heartrate by a few beats to simulate the feeling of your heart racing when falling in love. Except she didn't really like him that much, she found him rather peculiar and is fine with letting the Kathy's have him.

As she was walking to her next class Azari kept following her and kept gazing in her direction during lunch where all the choir girls kept fawning over him and some of the boys in the band too. But what was strange is that he just dismissed all of them and went to work on something in the computer lab, most guys would dream of having the choir girls after them and the boys in the band were pretty irresistable too especially Jason Kelly first chair violin. What can I say, I love a man who can woo me with his violin rather than the guys giving me cheesy one-liners because they are trying way too hard at flirting. 

That's all for now diary, see you next time.


Hey Lil Quils, Here's a new chapter of my original story, follow for more and remember new chapters drop every Monday and Thursday! 

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