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If you haven't checked out my previous five rewrites, I will post the links to each one down below:

Transformers (2007) rewrite:

Transformers: Revenge of the fallen rewrite:

Transformers: Dark of the moon rewrite:

Transformers: Age of extinction rewrite:

Transformers: The last knight rewrite:

Now here's the obligatory Recap:

Long ago on the planet Cybertron a war broke out between the Autobots and Deceptions over control of the mystical relic that devastated the planet. Optimus Prime, heroic leader of the Autobots, launches the Allspark into space to keep it out of the hands of the Decepticons who intend to use it for evil before Optimus and his Autobots consisting of himself, Bumblebee, Jazz, Ratchet, and Ironhide flee their dying world. in the present day a military base located in the jungles of Vietnam is attacked by the Decepticon communications officer Soundwave who raids the base for data pertaining to the Allspark's location. Colonel Irving Witwicky and a squad of commandos led by Captain Lennox try to hunt down the alien robot but are then attacked by Soundwave's pet Cybertronian panther Ravage who kills several soldier including one of Lennox's men leading to Colonel Witwicky developing a prejudice against transformers. meanwhile Spike Witwicky the Colonel's teenage son gets a present for his 16th birthday by his mom: an old beat-up 1980s VW beetle which Spike tries to use to impress his high school crush Carly Spencer who is dating the school bully Chad "Kicker" Jones leading to Spike challenging Kicker to a race for Carly's affection which ends in Spike winning. however the three teens are attacked by the Decepticon Starscream followed by Spike's car transforming into a robot revealing it to be the Autobot Bumblebee who gets in a fight with Starscream that ends in Bumblebee losing his voicebox along with the ability to speak. Spike and Kicker are forced to put their rivalry aside and become reluctant friends along with Carly to help the injured bot. Spike becomes Bumblebee's partner along with developing a blossoming romance with Carly. Bumblebee eventually reunites with his fellow Autobots Jazz, Ironhide, Ratchet, and Optimus Prime on Earth who befriend the three human teenagers with Carly partnering up with Jazz and Kicker partnering up with Ironhide while Bumblebee scans a new Camaro alt mode. the Autobots are then hunted by the top-secret alien hunter organization Sector 7 who are working with Colonel Witwicky and Lennox's commandos who capture Bumblebee and take him and Spike to Sector 7 HQ which is located beneath hoover dam. The other Autobots plan a rescue mission with the help of Carly and Kicker who disguise themselves as Sector 7 Agents to sneak in and free Spike and Bumblebee. eventually they are caught and Spike ends up reasoning with his father causing Colonel Witwicky to see the error of his ways and have a change of heart and the soldiers then turn on Sector 7. it is then revealed that Sector 7 has both the Allspark and the frozen body of the Decepticon leader Megatron (who was discovered by Spike's great-grandfather Archibald Witwicky who turned out to be a founding member of Sector 7) in their custody and Bumblebee's voice is restored upon coming into contact with the Allspark thanks to its mystical properties. the Decepticons then free Megatron from his icy prison allowing the Decepticon leader to make his escape and re-unite with his minions which includes Starscream, Soundwave, Barricade, Demolishor, and Blackout. due to the dire circumstances Sector 7 agree to let Spike and Bumblebee go and the five Autobots are re-united just in time to put a stop to Megatron's plan which is to use the Allspark to rebuild Cybertron with himself as the planet's new leader. Optimus and Megatron confront each other atop Hoover dam while the other Autobots with the help of their new human allies transport the Allspark out of mission city to lure the Decepticons to a more secure location away from any civilians to prevent casualties which ends up being Death Valley. one by one the Autobots end up destroying Demolishor, Barricade, and Blackout however Jazz ends up getting killed by Megatron sacrificing his own life to protect Carly. Optimus and Megatron clash one last time before Bumblebee manages to get his hands on the Allspark and destroys the mystical artifact dooming Cybertron in the process but also saving Earth from sharing the same fate as Cybertron and Bumblebee chooses to stay on Earth and live with the Witwicky family while Megatron, Starscream, and Soundwave retreat escaping into space. After the battle is over, a funeral is held for Jazz along with the many soldiers and Sector 7 agents who died in the battle for the Allspark. Meanwhile Optimus Prime uses his skills as a diplomat to form a treaty between Earth and Cybertron that grants the Autobots safe haven on Earth and live amongst the humans as part of society while Sector 7 is disbanded and a new organization called N.E.S.T. is formed in its place to assist the Autobots in protecting the Earth should the Decepticons ever return. meanwhile in space Megatron and the surviving Decepticons come across a crashed Decepticon spaceship known as the Nemesis on the surface of Saturn's moon Titan where they find and wake up a dormant Decepticon which turns out to be Megatron's old master the Fallen who was the one that sent Megatron to earth in search of the Allspark. Two years later, seven more Autobots have responded to Optimus's message he sent into space calling for any Autobots refugees scattered among the stars to seek asylum on earth: Arcee, Blurr, Wheeljack, Mirage, Cliffjumper, and the twins Sideswipe and Sunstreaker and have been helping N.E.S.T. hunt down remnants of the Decepticons who are looking for pieces of the shattered Allspark. during a mission in Shanghai to apprehend the Decepticon Soundwave, Cliffjumper is killed in an explosion leaving the now-expanded Team Prime one member short. Marissa Faireborn the director of N.E.S.T. puts pressure on the organization to find a replacement for the recently-deceased Autobot, and all eyes are on Bumblebee who has since left the team to live with the Witwicky family. Spike, Carly, and Kicker graduate high school and are all off to college, but Spike would rather join the military than spend his time at some crummy University and his parents won't have it not wanting their son to put himself in harm's way. Spike and Bumblebee go their separate ways, with Bumblebee re-joining team prime and getting himself acquainted with the new recruits pretty well while Spike gets enrolled at Princeton University where he meets new roommates Chip Chase and Elise Presser along with Chip's man-made robotic companion Wheelie. meanwhile the Decepticons under the command of Megatron and The Fallen have been expanding their numbers, recruiting the Decepticon jets Skywarp, Thundercracker, Ramjet, and Slipstream who serve under Starscream and the seven Constructicons Dirt Boss, Scrapper, Mixmaster, Long Haul, Bonecrusher, Scavenger, and Hook along with the Decepticon archaeologist and Starscream's former friend Jetfire, who's knowledge of ancient technology ends up helping the Decepticons uncover the Star harvester, a powerful device capable of destroying suns. however Jetfire's pacifism and newfound love of Earth and its lifeforms makes him start to question his allegiance. however Spike has become a target for the Decepticons due to his pendant being made from a shard of the Allspark and he is captured by Megatron leading to Carly and Kicker joining forces with Chip and Elise to rescue him. however when the Autobots arrive on the scene to rescue the five human teenagers, Optimus is mortally wounded during a fight with Megatron and the Constructicons putting the Autobot leader into a coma. Prime is put on life support, but that won't keep him alive forever and the Autobots split up to embark on a world tour in search of the five remaining shards of the Allspark located in New York, Greece, Japan, Peru, and Egypt bringing with them the five humans teenagers whom Bumblebee smuggled into N.E.S.T. HQ to keep them safe from the Decepticons. during this world tour the Autobots befriend Jetfire who chooses to defect from the Decepticons after learning that he's been fighting on the wrong side of an unjust war. meanwhile Optimus's spirit ends up in the Astral Plane where he is visited by the ghost of Alpha Trion, one of the 13 primes who shows Optimus the history of the primes, revealing The Fallen's backstory as a brooding tragic warrior who fell from grace after being manipulated into betraying the other members of the 13 by the black-hearted prime known as Liege Maximo (who ended up being killed by The Fallen after learning of his treachery) leading to him being exiled and stripped of his rank. we also get to learn Optimus and Megatron's origins as former brothers-in-arms under the tutelage of Sentinel Prime before becoming enemies after Megatron was seduced to the dark side by The Fallen leading to the formation of the Decepticons. once the Autobots have gathered all the fragments, they re-assemble the Allspark and use it to revive Optimus. once their leader is revived, team prime head out to Egypt to stop the Decepticons from activating the Star Harvester. thanks to Wheeljack's invention of Powerlink technology, Optimus and Jetfire unlock the ability to combine into Jet Optimus to take on both Megatron and The Fallen. Megatron then turns on The Fallen, helping Optimus slay his master. however their alliance is short-lived, as Megatron uses the Star Harvester nearly destroying the Earth. however the other Autobots decide to pitch in and help Jet Optimus take down Megatron. once The Fallen's scepter is destroyed, the Star Harvester starts to crumble forcing the Autobots to fall back to avoid getting crushed by the falling debris. our heroes lost many friends Autobot and Human alike during the final battle, including Spike's father General Irving Witwicky who gave his life to help take down Devastator and Jetfire who sacrificed himself in a kamikaze-style attempt to take down Megatron once and for all. after the battle is over, Director Faireborn makes Spike, Carly, Kicker, Chip, and Elise junior N.E.S.T. agents as a reward for their bravery. meanwhile the Decepticons hold a coronation ceremony for Starscream who has been promoted to Decepticon emperor of destruction after the losses of both Megatron and The Fallen. however Megatron turns out to have survived the exploding Star Harvester and scans a Chinook Helicopter in order to hide on Earth from the Autobots and N.E.S.T. meaning he is still at large. Three years later, the Decepticons with their armies and resources depleted after the battle of Egypt have gone into hiding, now under the leadership of Lord Starscream. meanwhile the Autobots have embraced their status as celebrities and super-heroes by helping combat more earthly threats such as human criminals and terrorists with Spike, Carly, Kicker, Chip, and Elise having now been promoted to full-fledged N.E.S.T. agents, all the while Spike is struggling to finally tie the knot with Carly due to his commitment to the Autobots and N.E.S.T. constantly getting in the way. however the Decepticons make their return after an attempt to steal a Cybertronian relic known as the Omega Key from a Russian N.E.S.T. base killing the Autobot Warpath before they are thwarted by Optimus Prime who battled against Starscream's seekers and the one-eyed Decepticon scientist Shockwave as well as four new Decepticons that they freed from incarceration during the attack on the Siberian base: Astrotrain, Junkheap, and the battlechargers Runamuck and Runabout. the Omega key as it turns out is the key to activating a crashed Autobot ship known as the Ark which crashed on Earth's moon eons ago and was captained by Optimus's mentor and predecessor Sentinel Prime. as it turns out, the Decepticons learned this information from a spy who has infiltrated the Autobot ranks. Optimus and Ratchet embark on a mission to the moon to investigate the crash site of the Ark, all the while Bumblebee and the other Autobots stay behind to figure out the identity of the traitor. Optimus and Ratchet find a comatose Sentinel Prime amongst the wreckage of The Ark and bring him back to Earth, reviving him with the Allspark. as it turns out, Sentinel launched himself into space to keep his pillar technology out of the hands of the Decepticons, technology capable of opening a spacebridge large enough to transport entire armies from planet to planet. meanwhile Spike and Chip learn from an ex-NASA scientist named Dr. Henry Arkeville about how many years ago during the space race between the US and the soviets Astronauts uncovered a hidden Decepticon fleet buried underneath the surface of Earth's moon, an army large enough to conquer Earth in a matter of days that the Decepticons plan on using to invade the planet and use the humans as a slave labor force to rebuild Cybertron. meanwhile Soundwave finds a wounded and sickly Megatron in the deserts of Namibia and brings him back to the Nemesis, leading to Megatron de-throning Starscream and reinstating his position as overlord of the Decepticons. Optimus gets Sentinel acquainted with the rest of Team Prime, however Sentinel is showing doubt in his pupil expressing disappointment in Optimus for condemning Cybertron to a slow death by launching the Allspark into space leading to severe tension between master and student all the while Bumblebee discovers the identity of the spy which turns out to be Mirage who sided with the Decepticons due to Shockwave promising him that if they won the war they would restore peace to Cybertron. however the Autobots are too late as the Nemesis rises out from the surface of Titan and arrives on Earth bringing with it Megatron leading his army of Decepticons in a large-scale siege of the Metroplex. luckily our heroes manage to evacuate in time and get to safety, but not before the Nemesis transforms into the gargantuan godzilla-like transformer known as Trypticon who reduces the Metroplex to rubble. our heroes relocate to an abandoned WWII-era military base located in the remote forests of the Pacific Northwest where they spend their time recuperating after barely escaping with their lives. Optimus learns from Sentinel that the Omega key is meant to unlock the Ark's transformation into the titanic Autobot known as Omega Supreme, last of the Omega sentinels and the only one capable of taking down Trypticon. however the Autobots time to recover is short-lived as the Decepticons begin wreaking havoc in downtown Washington, DC with the intention of luring out the Autobots and getting them to hand over the pillars. the Autobots and Decepticons wage an all-out battle in DC where Bumblebee and Arcee have another run-in with Mirage while Ironhide and the twins dispose of Junkheap and the battlechargers. however things take a turn for the worst when Sentinel betrays the Autobots and forms an alliance with Megatron out of desperation to restore Cybertron to its former glory and fix Optimus's "mistake" leading to Sentinel killing Ironhide and the twins to prove his worth to Megatron leaving poor Kicker distraught over his Autobot partner's death. with Sentinel by his side giving him access to the pillar technology, Megatron opens the spacebridge and summons the hidden Decepticon fleet to Earth to commence the invasion. if that's bad enough, Megatron holds the planet hostage and blackmails Earth's leaders into forcing the Autobots to be exiled from Earth in exchange for sparing their planet. the Autobots are left no choice but to agree to his terms and board the Xanthium to leave Earth, leading to an emotional goodbye between Spike and Bumblebee who have been nearly inseparable up to this point. however Megatron lied and doesn't keep his end of the bargain, with the seekers blowing up the Xanthium while Megatron unleashes hordes of Decepticon soldiers onto major cities all over the world. with the Autobots no longer here to protect them, Lennox rallies the troops and leads the forces of N.E.S.T. in a final stand against the Decepticons, however the puny humans are no match for the Decepticons leading to the deaths of Donnelly, Burke, and Graham along with Chip getting crippled. meanwhile the Autobots escape the exploding Xanthium and crash-land on the moon where Optimus uses the Omega key to re-activate the Ark and return to Earth to stop the Decepticon invasion once and for all. the Autobots return to Earth to re-unite with their human allies leading to a massive final battle in Spike's hometown of Mission City bringing the series full-circle along with the Ark transforming into Omega Supreme to fight Trypticon one-on-one while Bumblebee, Arcee, and their human partners dispose of Starscream and the seekers. however Bumblebee and Arcee are then taken prisoner by Mirage and Soundwave, however Mirage has a change of heart and sacrifices himself to help them escape followed by Bumblebee killing Soundwave to avenge Mirage's death. Sentinel also has a change of heart, realizing the error of his ways and re-joining the Autobots to help Optimus take out Shockwave and Astrotrain. meanwhile the humans manage to sneak around and steal the control pillar from under Megatron's nose while Omega Supreme self-destructs to destroy Trypticon once and for all. Optimus and Sentinel team up to take down Megatron, destroying the control pillar which closes the spacebridge and sucks the Decepticon fleet back into space. Megatron refusing to surrender kills Sentinel in a fit of rage leading to Optimus slaying the Decepticon leader once and for all finally ending the war once and for all. with Earth saved and the Decepticons gone for good, our heroes Celebrate their victory along with Spike finally proposing to Carly. now that the war is over, our heroes return to their normal lives: Team Prime has agreed to help humanity rebuild society after thwarting the invasion, Optimus has chosen to uphold Sentinel's dying wish and launches the Allspark back into space to restore Cybertron, Director Faireborn has agreed to dissolve N.E.S.T., Simmons becomes a best-selling author publishing several novels based on the Autobots adventures, Chip and Elise are officially now a couple and now work at for the KSI corporation, Kicker joins Lennox's new team of commandos and has made peace with Ironhide's death, and Spike and Carly finally get married. 10 years after the battle of Mission City, the governments of Earth have grown to distrust the Autobots in the wake of the death and destruction caused by them bringing their civil war to Earth resulting in mass-paranoia amongst the public feeling uneasy with the idea of having aliens hiding among us leading to the creation of the paramilitary organization known as Cemetery Wind led by xenophobic hypocrite Harold Attinger whom have been hunting the remaining Autobots left on Earth to near-extinction with help from the Cybertronian bounty hunter Lockdown forcing many to go into hiding for the past decade. meanwhile Cade Yeager, an aspiring inventor from Texas turned single father and widower after losing his wife in the battle of Mission City 10 years ago has spent the remainder of his life as a depressed anti-social alcoholic living with his teenage daughter Tessa and friend of the family and returning character from the previous trilogy Kicker Jones. however that all changes when Cade brings home a broken-down red-and-blue 1980s cab-over-engine semi truck he bought from some scrap collectors at a Junkyard which turns out to be none other than a badly-injured and emotionally-broken Optimus Prime who had spent the past 10 years hiding in stasis lock and stuck in vehicle mode. this leads to the Yeager family getting attacked by Lockdown and Cemetery Wind resulting in the destruction of the Yeager household and the death of Kicker Jones. after that Optimus reunites with his old pal Bumblebee leading to the two Autobots taking the Yeager family on a cross-country road trip on their way to the Pacific Northwest in search of S.T.A.R.S., an organization dedicated to rescuing Autobot refugees and giving them sanctuary from Cemetery Wind. on their way they make a stop at Arizona where they meet three new Autobots: the foul-mouthed sniper Crosshairs and super-zen ex-Decepticon samurai Drift (both of which can't stand each other) plus lovable wrecker/gentle giant Bulkhead along with Cade reprogramming a spy drone and giving it the name "Sparkplug". our heroes also make a stop at the rebuilt Mission City, Nevada which has turned into a technologically-advanced Utopia thanks to the contributions of big tech company KSI whom have been reversing-engineering Cybertronian technology recovered from the aftermath of the battle of Mission City 10 years ago for human benefits. Cade infiltrates the organization where we learn that KSI has been harboring a dark secret: KSI's CEO Joshua Joyce has been making business deals with Cemetery Wind behind closed doors whom have been providing KSI with fresh Autobot corpses for KSI to be melted down for the production of their line of new man-made transformers called Vehicons. not only that, but KSI has been holding Autobots Wheeljack and Perceptor hostage forcing them to extract data from the severed head of deceased Decepticon leader Megatron to be used in the programming of the KSI robots with the help of lead roboticist Isaac Sumdac along with two more returning cast members Chip Chase and Elise Presser. upon learning of what KSI has been doing to the desecrated bodies of his deceased comrades, Optimus in a moment of pure blind rage trashes the KSI headquarters freeing Wheeljack and Perceptor in the process allowing them to escape and re-join their Autobot companions while Cade reveals the truth about KSI to Chip and Elise making them question their loyalties to the company. however Attinger and his right-hand man James Savoy (whom lost his sister in the battle of Mission City 10 years ago) pay a visit to KSI to demand Joyce to let them pilot two experimental KSI vehicons: Nemesis Prime (which resembles a black Optimus Prime) and Stinger (which resembles a red Bumblebee) to frame the Autobots in order to sway the public opinion into Cemetery Wind's favor. Attinger and Savoy both end up becoming permanently fused to the interior of their mechs and proceed to rampage in Washington, DC destroying the IRC (Interplanetary Relations Council) building killing several politicians and injuring S.T.A.R.S. director Marissa Fairborne in the process framing the Autobots for acts of terrorism with Nemesis Prime (posing as Optimus) declaring war on humanity. Optimus and Bumblebee briefly fight Nemesis Prime and Stinger on the freeway until Lockdown shows up and shoots Optimus Prime in the back before telling Attinger/Nemesis Prime off saying that he no longer works for Cemetery Wind and captures Optimus Prime taking the unconscious Prime along with Cade's daughter Tessa aboard his ship the Death's Head leaving the Autobots without a leader followed by Lockdown's ship arriving in Antarctica to destroy Cemetery Wind's headquarters as a way of severing his ties to the organization causing a massive crack in the ice accidentally revealing an ancient Cybertronian ship that was buried underneath the ice sheets for millions of years prompting Joshua Joyce and Isaac Sumdac to travel to Antarctica so that they can ransack the ship for any valuable Cybertronian tech that might be inside while all of KSI's assets are being transported out of the now-destroyed Mission City building to a new facility in Hong Kong in order to cover their tracks and avoid attracting any suspicion of their top-secret inhumane experiments. meanwhile the Yeagers and Autobots finally arrive at the Pacific Northwest and are ambushed by Cemetery Wind agents but are saved by Lennox along with Epps and Santos, former Cemetery wind agent turned member of the commandos who escort our heroes to the Underbase, headquarters of the S.T.A.R.S. organization that our heroes have been looking for all this time. meanwhile Chip and Elise decide to quit KSI and join S.T.A.R.S. helping construct a groundbridge by reverse-engineering the late Sentinel Prime's pillar technology with the help of Wheeljack, Perceptor, and Cade Yeager himself. there our heroes stage a rescue mission sneaking aboard Lockdown's ship to rescue Optimus and Tessa. during the rescue mission Crosshairs and Drift learn to put each other's differences aside and go from being rivals to friends while Optimus has visions of the Crashed ship in the Antarctic (which we later learn is named the Knightship) along with the five dinobots and the nameless 13th prime. the Autobots and Commandos manage to successfully rescue both Optimus and Tessa but are too late as the Death's Head is preparing to launch itself into space, but luckily Crosshairs is able to buy our heroes some time by activating the ship's anchors which alerts their presence to Lockdown. the Autobots are then confronted by Lockdown and his pet turbofoxes. the Autobots manage to kill the Turbofoxes and escape the ship by ziplining down the anchors back down to Earth followed by Drift cutting the anchors causing Lockdown's ship to be launched into space returning the Bounty Hunter to Cybertron empty-handed. while the other Autobots return to Underbase, Optimus Stays behind to go on a vision quest inside the wreckage of the Knightship where he hallucinates zombie versions of his deceased comrades of his deceased comrades shaming Prime for letting them die as a manifestation of Optimus's own personal guilt over not being able to save his friends. Optimus then gets a pep talk from the "ghost" of Sentinel Prime (which is really just another hallucination) who teaches Optimus a lesson about how failure can be the best teacher of all which causes Optimus to snap out of his little guilt-trip and regain his own confidence along with being contacted by the 13th prime from the Astral Plane upon touching legendary weapon known as the Star Saber assuring Optimus that he is worthy of wielding the sword. Optimus is able to lift the sword from his pedestal giving him an upgraded form with a new knight-inspired look. lifting the sword also awakens the Dinobots, former knights of Cybertron who broke away from the order after being captured and enslaved forced to fight as gladiators before being tortured and experimented on by the Decepticon mad scientist Shockwave which gave them their dinosaur alt-modes. all of the Dinobots recognize Optimus as the 13th prime reincarnated, all except for Grimlock who has a severe distrust for primes (along with being the only one able to speak, albeit in a primitive caveman-like dialect always referring to himself in the third person) due to all the horror he and his comrades were forced to experience after being abandoned by the 13th prime. Optimus is eventually able to gain Grimlock's trust through besting him in combat, and just in time as it turns out Megatron's consciousness survived within the code KSI extracted from his brain allowing Megatron to take the form of a sentient computer virus that ends up infecting the Hong Kong KSI building's computer systems and take control of all the vehicons causing them to go AWOL and start rampaging in the streets of Hong Kong along with building a new body for himself. amongst the commotion Nemesis Prime and Stinger both arrive in Hong Kong and form an alliance with Megatron. meanwhile Optimus returns to the Underbase now having regained the confidence to lead the Autobots again bringing with him the Dinobots as reinforcements and the Autobots and Dinobots head for Hong Kong for the final battle. meanwhile Joyce and Sumdac also arrive in Hong Kong and are nearly killed by Nemesis Prime and Stinger, however they are saved by the Autobots and Dinobots and are evacuated along with the citizens of Hong Kong with the help of Cade, Tessa, and Lennox's team. the Autobots ride the Dinobots into battle against the hordes of rogue KSI vehicons: Optimus rides Grimlock, Drift rides Slug, Crosshairs rides Snarl, Bulkhead rides Sludge, and Bumblebee rides Swoop. Crosshairs and Drift team up to take out the Vehicon Jetstorm, Bulkhead takes out the Vehicon Tankor but is gravely injured in the process, and Bumblebee takes out Stinger with help from Swoop allowing Stinger/Savoy to die in piece and rejoin his sister. while Bumblebee, Crosshairs, and Drift rush to Bulkhead's aid to help their heavyweight comrade back up on his feet, Optimus Prime has an epic clash with Nemeis Prime. the two primes are evenly matched, however Nemesis Prime manages to get the upper hand and is about to finish off Optimus before he is stopped in his tracks by the Autobots, Dinobots, and human soldiers. Nemesis Prime/Attinger then delivers a bigoted hate-speech about how all Transformers are dangerous and the people at S.T.A.R.S. are traitors the human race for siding with the alien fugitives, however while he is preoccupied with voicing his xenophobic beliefe Optimus musters up the strength he has left to gets back up and slice Nemesis Prime's arms with the Star Saber bringing Nemesis down to his knees. Attinger/Nemesis begs for mercy leaving Optimus feeling conflicted about finishing off the leader of Cemetery Wind once and for all since harming humans is against Autobot code, only for Megatron to show up and kill Attinger by ripping him out of Nemesis Prime's cockpit and crush Attinger in the palm of his hand while he screams for mercy. Megatron retreats promising Prime he will one day come back to settle the score with his nemesis. after that the Autobots return to Underbase to celebrate their victory with the Dinobots granted freedom to roam the Pacific Northwest while Optimus decides his next course of action which is to learn more about the history of the 13th prime and the legendary Knights of Cybertron believing it could hold the key to stopping the next big threat whatever that may be. meanwhile Director Fairborne has a meeting with the Interplanetary Relations Council and ends up clearing the Autobot's names leading to Cemetery Wind being abolished and the Autobots given legal protection by the IRC. Joshua Joyce is arrested for his inhumane practices while Isaac Sumdac is promoted to the new CEO of the KSI corporation and is re-united with his 8-year-old daughter Sari. The Autobots help rebuild the Yeager household in rural Texas while Optimus delivers a heartfelt goodbye to the Yeagers thanking them for helping him restore his faith in humanity before he and the new Team Prime transform and roll out for their next adventure. Meanwhile on Cybertron, Lockdown returns empty-handed much to the chagrin of his employer who turns out to be none other than the deception mad scientist himself Shockwave back from the dead who kills Lockdown as punishment for his incompetence. One year after the battle of Hong Kong, Megatron returns to Cybertron to find out that the entire planet is under Decepticon rule along with learning that Shockwave is alive and has been growing an army of cloned Predacons, an ancient race of dragon-like transformers who went extinct long ago in addition to using the Allspark's power to restore their dead homeworld to its former glory. not only that, but Shockwave has unearthed the Requiem Blaster, an ancient planet-destroying superweapon built during the age of primes that draws power from the very core of Cybertron and plans on using its power to blow up the planet Earth in order to stop the emergence of Unicron, a gigantic planet-eating transformer lying dormant within the Earth's core. as it turns out, the weapon requires Prime's matrix of leadership in order to activate it which is why he hired Lockdown to capture Optimus Prime in the first place. meanwhile on Earth, An underground group of anti-transformer extremists known as The Initiative have been hunting down and killing transformers continuing the defunct Cemetery Wind's mission to "Keep Earth Human". Optimus and S.T.A.R.S. try to get help from the Interplanetary Relations Council, however they are too stuck in their ways to listen leading Lennox and Optimus to seek help from Cade Yeager who's busy celebrating his daughter going off to college. as it turns out, the Initiative are after a teenage girl named Verity Carlo who's being hunted because she's a transformer sympathizer. upon returning to the underbase we're introduced to Red Alert, the paranoid female Autobot medic serving as team prime's replacement for Ratchet, along with Bumblebee's new "Parts-forming" ability allowing his body to break apart and reform itself all the while Optimus is having visions of an ancient battle on an unknown planet between the knights of cybertron and hordes of dragon-like transformers leading to Optimus and the Dinobots taking a trip back to the Knightship in Antarctica where he learns from the ghost of the thirteenth prime that long ago the Knights of Cybertron were engaged in a battle with the Predacons on prehistoric Earth to prevent the cybertronian dragons from getting their claws on a vile substance known as Dark Energon, the blood of Unicron which was growing on Earth leading to the complete genocide of the Predacons at the hands of the knights, Optimus devastated to learn that the Primes had such a dark history. meanwhile we learn that the Initiative is being led by Abraham Dante, Lennox's former brother-in-arms previously thought to be dead after he lost an arm in a Decepticon attack. Cade and the Autobots meet Verity and her two Autobot guardians Elite Guard washout turned Optimus Prime fanboy Hot Rod and his mentor the elderly former Wrecker commander Kup in Phoenix, Arizona where they become close friends, Cade seeing Verity as a surrogate daughter. our heroes are then attacked by Dante and the Initiative leading to Kup getting killed by Dante piloting his man-made transformable mech-suit Scorponok. Hot Rod takes the blame for getting his mentor's death, but the Autobots aren't given much time to mourn when the Decepticons return Megatron bringing with himself a new crew consisting of Lugnut, Blitzwing, Strika, Knockout, Berserker, and Sideways. the Autobots engage in an all-out battle against the newly-reformed Decepticons in the streets of Phoenix with Drift and Crosshairs killing Berserker and Sideways while the other Autobots get pummelled by their Decepticon adversaries leading to Megatron capturing Optimus and taking him aboard the Knightship forcing our heroes to fall back and come up with a game plan to rescue Optimus, however Bumblebee is too busy obsessing over a piece of information that he learned from Dante: Arcee is alive, leading to Bumblebee having a falling out with Bulkhead over 'Bee prioritizing finding Arcee over saving Prime, Bumblebee stubbornly holding onto the belief that Arcee may still be out there. Lennox and the rest of S.T.A.R.S. ponder over how the heck the Initiative got their hands on Cybertronian tech, and Director Fairborne reveals to Bumblebee that Agent Simmons, who now lives in a penthouse in Cuba, may know the whereabouts of his missing sparkmate. Fairborne agrees to split up our heroes: Cade and Verity will go with Bulkhead, Hot Rod, Crosshairs, and Drift to Cybertron to rescue Optimus, while Lennox, Epps, and Santos will ride with Bumblebee to Cuba to meet up with Simmons. meanwhile on Cybertron Optimus is being held captive by Shockwave and a very vengeful Predaking, leader of the Predacons. Shockwave reveals to Optimus that he was Quintus Prime, brilliant scientist of the 13 Primes responsible for building the Requiem Blaster whom after being slain by The Fallen along with his brothers transferred his consciousness into the body of one of his drones becoming the purple robo-cyclops we know today. Shockwave tries to persuade Optimus into using the Matrix of Leadership to activate the Requiem Blaster by saying what he's doing is for the greater good because if Unicron is allowed to awaken he will devour countless planets, sacrificing one planet to save billions more. but Optimus being the altruistic hero he is refuses to its power to destroy Earth, leading to Shockwave using a shard of Dark Energon he collected from earth to mind-control Optimus by putting the shard in his forehead. a quartet of mask-wearing Cybertronian vigilantes known as the Torchbearers try to stop Shockwave however Shockwave ends up killing one of their members Firestar forcing the three remaining members to retreat. meanwhile Bumblebee and the Commandos rendezvous with Simmons in Cuba where Simmons reveals that he might know the guy who can lead them to Arcee: Lord Chumley, an elderly British Aristocrat who was one of the founding members of Sector 7. our heroes take a plane to the English Countryside where they meet Lord Chumley and his butler Dinsmoore who gives them a tour around the mansion leading to Bumblebee re-uniting with Arcee, however all is not what it seems as Lennox finds Chumley to be a suspicious individual. meanwhile Cade, Verity, and the other Autobots blast off into Outer Space aboard the Knightship only for them to have a run-in with the Decepticons leading to Cade and Verity getting sucked into space. Verity's spacesuit starts running low on Oxygen leading to Cade pulling a heroic sacrifice by taking his helmet off and putting it on Verity only for Hot Rod to recklessly leap out of the ship to rescue the two humans, saving both their lives in the process. Verity puts the helmet back on Cade allowing him to breathe saving him from certain death. meanwhile back at Chumley Manor both Bumblebee and the Commandos face the ultimate betrayal: not only is Lord Chumley revealed to have been the Initiative's benefactor responsible for providing them with all the old Sector 7 tech they needed to go about killing transformers with, motivated by the death of his son Graham. but also Arcee is revealed to be a traitor and working with the bad guys, the former Autobot lieutenant grew bitter and vengeful after being left alone and scared for a decade while hiding from Cemetery wind, holding a grudge against Bumblebee for never coming to her rescue. meanwhile on Cybertron, Megatron and his crew have captured the Dinobots and bring them to Shockwave, as it was the one-eyed Decepticon scientist who was responsible for altering Grimlock and his team's physiology giving them their dinosaur alt-modes. meanwhile Megatron leaves the poor Decepticon medic Knockout on lookout duty leading to him getting attacked by the trio of Torchbearers who get the jump on him in a Cybertronian alleyway. the Autobots led by Bulkhead run into the three Torchbearers who reveal their true identities to our heroes: Chromia, Moonracer, and their leader former Elite guard commander and conjunx endura of Optimus Prime turned revolutionary leader Elita-1. we learn Elita's backstory that she was booted from the Elite Guard because during the exodus she sided with Optimus on his decision to launch the Allspark into space, a decision the Elite Guard didn't agree with. she formed the Torchbearers to start an uprising against the newly-rebuilt Cybertron's corrupt government and to expose the Decepticons for their lies and propaganda. meanwhile the captive Grimlock electrocutes Shockwave in an attempt to free himself from his energy shackles which is broadcasted on live TV Megatron painting the footage as an Autobot terrorist assaulting a defenseless Decepticon furthering his smear campaign against the Autobots. back on Earth the Commandos, Simmons, and Bumblebee are being held captive by The Initiative, Bumblebee trying to get Arcee to come to her senses but to no avail. but luckily help is on the way when Wheeljack, Perceptor, Red Alert, Chip, Elise, and Director Fairborne along with the rest of S.T.A.R.S. arrive on the scene to arrest Chumley and the Initiative and rescue our heroes. back on Cybertron all of Shockwave's predacon clones are let loose causing them to wreak havoc in the streets of Iacon while Shockwave and the brainwashed Optimus travel down to the core of Cybertron to activate the superweapon. Elita gives a speech to convince the citizens of Cybertron that the Decepticons have been lying to them and have turned turned their home planet into a weapon, however Megatron tries to deny these claims and tells everyone that there is no superweapon, only for Optimus to activate the requiem blaster causing it to destroy Cybertron's moon proving that Elita was telling the truth after all forcing Megatron and his Decepticons to board the Death's Head and retreat. Shockwave then activates a mega-spacebridge that transports Cybertron to Earth's atmosphere, allowing the swarm of Predacons to fly down to Earth and wreak havoc on the planet below. meanwhile Bumblebee has a fight with Dante piloting Scorponok only for Arcee to shoot Scorponok in the cockpit killing Dante in the process, however Arcee didn't do it to save Bumblebee's life he did it so that she can kill him herself leading to a dramatic one-on-one fight between the two, however the battle between the former sparkmates is interrupted when Lugnut uses the punch that causes the whole mansion to collapse killing Chumley and the rest of the Initiative soldiers along with separating Bumblebee and Arcee. S.T.A.R.S. pulls out the big guns when they call in an air strike against the Predacons and Decepticons, all the while Knockout begins to question his allegiance to the Decepticons. meanwhile on Cybertron the Autobots try to stop the activation of the Requiem blaster leading to a fight with Megatron that leads to their capture with Megatron presenting the captured Autobots to Shockwave and the brainwashed Optimus. Shockwave orders Optimus to execute his former comrades, however Elita-1 arrives on the scene to get Optimus Prime to come to his senses causing the dark energon shard in his forehead to shatter freeing him from the blood of Unicron's influence. the Autobots and Dinobots hop aboard the Knightship full of evacuated Cybertronian citizens and fly back on Earth leaving Optimus to face Megatron and Shockwave by himself. upon the Autobots arriving on Earth to join the battle below evening the playing field in the heroes favor the Dinobots fight Predaking ending with Grimlock delivering the killing blow to the three-headed Predacon leader by driving his sword through Predaking's spark chamber. Optimus then makes the ultimate sacrifice by plunging the Star Saber into the core of Cybertron destroying his own homeworld to save Earth from certain destruction, Shockwave's death upon the planet's destruction causing all the Predacons to wither away and die. Optimus falls back down to Earth and is re-united with his fellow Autobots, however Bumblebee feels guilt for not being able to save Arcee who is MIA after the collapse of Chumley Manor. after the battle is won, Elita-1, Chromia, and Moonracer are allowed to stay on Earth and scan new vehicle modes while Knock Out has joined the Autobots as Red Alert's medical assistant. Verity is allowed to live at the Underbase (but still has to go to school like any normal kid her age). Meanwhile the construction of a new home for Cybertronian refugees is underway: Autobot City. Bumblebee has agreed to stay at the Yeager household in Rural Texas to keep an eye on Cade should S.T.A.R.S. need his help again. Megatron finds Arcee among the wreckage of Chumley Manor barely alive and brings her up to the Death's Head where she is rebuilt in a new stronger body and given the name Flamewar. Strika breaks the Combaticons out of prison, Spike and Cade meet at Kicker's grave, Bulkhead has a reunion with his old Wrecker buddies who came to Earth aboard their ship the Iron Will upon hearing of Kup's death, and sightings of gigantic horn-like structures emerging from around the world are being reported signaling the emergence of Unicron.

*pants* now THAT was a lengthy recap! so glad this is the last installment of the transformers rewrite series so I don't have to do these recaps again... now onto the character bios.

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