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Trip Lovers - Pierce Brothers
0:48 ━❍────── 3:16
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VOLUME: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%


"Catch," Kiara heard as a beer bottle was thrown at her head. She, in fact, did not catch. The glass flew past her face and plopped in the water.

"Really?" John B murmured, "I told you to catch it." She snorted and looked at him. He was driving the Pogue while throwing everyone drinks, which is clearly why he missed. He stopped the boat as he sighed. Sarah was sunbathing beside Kiara. Pope and JJ were fighting over stupid shit. One boy was insisting that eating brains would make you smarter. The other was calling him a dumbass. You can probably imagine which one then precedes to jump in after the lost beer.

"Don't worry guys," JJ yelled, "I'll get it." Kiara rolled her eyes and Sarah yelled at him for splashing her. JJ rose to the surface, bottle in hand. "Here," he threw it back on the boat. As any somewhat intelligent being would predict, it shattered once it hit. However, JJ was not one of those people. "Shit."

"Dude, what the hell?" Pope groaned while trying to wipe the alcohol off of his textbook. "You are so stupid."

"That's what you get for studying," JJ said as he climbed back onto the boat. He shook out his hair and water sprayed everywhere.

"What?" Pope replied, "that doesn't make an-"

JJ interrupted him, "Pope, I will cut your dick off." Sarah laughed in surprise at that. Kiara was starting to think that this specific threat gets more likely everytime Pope opens his mouth. It's starting to be an everyday activity: swimming, laughing, and threatening to cut people's dicks off.

"Ok, that's enough of that," Kiara cut in. "I'm going swimming." She took her shirt off to reveal her bikini top. John B and Pope stood up to join, but JJ didn't.

"Really? I just got out," JJ complained. Kiara ignored him and jumped in the water.

    JB and Pope dove in right as Kie surfaced and almost took her down with them. She screamed and splashed JB. She turned to see JJ watching her. "C'mon in," Kiara pleaded to JJ.

    He conceded. He could never say no to those eyes. JJ can't even count the amount of times Kiara flashed those puppy dog eyes and made JJ do whatever she wanted. "Fine," JJ murmured as he jumped in. Kiara smiled. That smile didn't last because she felt something grab her ankles and drag her underwater. She took a quick breath before she was fully under. Kie tried to swim back up, but the boy lightly grabbed her waist to hold her down. She didn't know why, but suddenly, she didn't want to go up for air. And neither did JJ. When Kiara actually started struggling to breath, JJ let go. He grabbed her forearm and dragged her to the surface. She gasped as she reached the air.

    "Ass," Kie splashed JJ. He just smirked at her. She would never admit it, but she liked how he looked soaking wet a bit too much. Kiara dragged her eyes away from JJ to John B.

    He was trying to get Sarah to join them in the water, but from the looks of it, that was not going to happen. Pope was on John B's shoulders. Kiara didn't even want to know how that ended up happening in such a short amount of time.

    The next hour consisted of swimming, making fun of JJ, and pushing Sarah into the water. That is pretty much what they do everyday. The pogues were going to stay out for longer, but it started to rain and Sarah was bitching about it. They decided to go back to the Château.

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