Chapter 1: My Neighbor

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    Peggy Carter opened the door of her apartment with her foot while struggling to grasp the door handle with her arms full of grocery bags, a bag from a bookstore, her dry cleaning, and a bag with a few items of clothing. She swore under her breath as the door closed again. Wondering what the point of being a super soldier was if she couldn't even open her apartment door was, she set down the bags of groceries and caught the door before it closed again. The thin wooden door clattered against the books and the sound of the old doorknob hitting the wall behind it made the quiet hallway seem noisy. Peggy glanced around her to make sure none of her neighbors were coming out to complain, but everyone was still inside on the Friday afternoon.  

    Quickly, she dashed instead the apartment, set her other bags on the table, and rushed back outside the apartment to make sure her groceries wouldn't be stolen. Thank goodness, she thought, they're all still here. 

    While picking up one of the bags, its bottom split open and lemons and oranges rolled in all directions. Peggy rolled her eyes and began to pick them up, but a door opening to her left made her look up. In the doorway of the apartment to her left, Y/N Levy was standing leaning against the doorframe, with a slight smile on her face. "On your left." She chuckled, bending down and picking up the oranges on her doormat;

This one:

This one:

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and smiled at Peggy, handing them to her. 

    "Oh thank you." Peggy said profusely, trying to gather the rest while also trying to avoid eye contact with Y/N. Y/N smiled slightly again and began helping her clean up the produce. 

    "Oh no, you don't have to-" Peggy began to protest. Y/N waved a hand dismissively and said, "Don't worry about it, hun, it's fine." 

    Hun? Peggy thought as Y/N leaved over again to pick me more fruit. Y/N, picking up more and putting them in another bag, observed, "The baggers should've double bagged that bag if you've got that much stuff in it." She looked at Peggy and raised an eyebrow. "You making a lemon pie or orange juice or... like what?" Peggy shrugged her shoulders and answered, "Just for fun, I suppose." 

    Y/N put one hand on her hip and said, "I've got a really good recipe for lemon icebox pie. Super good. If you're not busy at some point in the week, come by with those lemons and I'll teach you how to make it. I've got class on Monday at 10, but I should be free after that." She gave a smile. "What do you say?"

    Peggy shook her head and answered, "No, I'm sorry, but I'm so busy with work this work. Maybe another time?" 

    "Maybe, maybe." 

    Y/N picked up one of the bags and nodded her head to the door of Peggy's apartment, saying, "Lead the way, Miss Carter." Peggy's eyebrows raised; she wasn't sure what Y/N wanted. Y/N understood her puzzled expression and explained, "I'll help you with your groceries. Just open the door and I'll help you put them away." 

   "Are you sure..." Peggy asked doubtfully, pulling out her key. "I wouldn't want to inconvenience you if you've got something to do." 

    While Peggy unlocked the door, Y/N laughed and looked down at her clothes, saying, "You think I'm doing anything wearing this? I'm basically wearing pajamas!" Peggy looked sideways at Y/N's outfit, which indeed look like she was wearing pajamas, or at least lounge wear. 

This is what you're wearing:

This is what you're wearing:

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   "It does look a little..." Peggy started but paused in fear of offending Y/N. Y/N rolled her shoulders, opening the door wider and propping it open with the side of her foot, admitting, "I do look a little bit homeless. But when you're working on a group presentation with the laziest partners in the world-" Peggy chuckled- "you need to get comfy!" 

    "Just set the bag on the table," Peggy said, pointing to a wood table in the kitchen nook, "I can unload it." 

    Y/N nodded and obeyed the order but began helping put away the groceries that belonged in the pantry. Peggy wanted to tell her not to worry about it, but she couldn't take her eyes off of the assets Y/N had. When she stood on her tiptoes to put away something and her shorts slipped a little higher, Peggy turned her face and basically her whole body away. Shouldn't look at her... no, I shouldn't look. That's so rude and demeaning. Focus, she's just helping you put away groceries.


    Y/N's sudden murmur brought Peggy back to Earth; she was staring at a box of pasta and examining the bent and smushed corners. "What grocery store did you go to?" She asked curiously, turning it. "If you don't mind me asking." 

   "The one on 45th and Fredrick's." Peggy answered, trying to get her mind off of Y/N. Y/N nodded, her lips pursued slightly. She set the box on the pantry shelf and said, "That grocery store charges too much pretty much always." She looked up at Peggy, a strand of her y/h/c hair hanging down from her bun and her y/e/c eyes crinkling with the smile on her lips, and Peggy felt her heart thump like she hadn't felt since 1944. "You should probably go to the one on 6th and Bell. It's called Redbird's Stores, it's great. It's locally owned and everything is priced pretty reasonably. They got lots of gluten-free and some vegan options too." 

   "Oh thank you, I'll check it out." 

    "No problem neighbor," Y/N answered, winking and giving Peggy a thumbs-up, "it's what I'm here for, to help out the new kids on the block." She paused, then continued, "If you want me to give you the address, I'd be more than happy to." 

    Peggy shook her head and said, "Oh I think I should be okay-" She pulled out her phone- "I'm just not the best at this stuff." 

    "You can just use Google Maps," Y/N put in helpfully, "it should be a breeze from there." 

    "I don't know how to..." 

    "You don't know how to use Google Maps?" Y/N asked, very surprised and even a little weirded out. She gave Peggy a weird look, but immediately regretted it when looking into her warm brown eyes. "I can teach you the ins-and-outs of it and I few other apps," she offered, "I got time later this week." 

    "That would be very helpful, thank you." Peggy answered, sighing thankfully and smiling at Y/N. Y/N nodded and added, "It's a date then." Peggy's eyes widened and her heart skipped a beat. Y/N didn't notice, instead continuing, "Just come by my door whenever you're ready. I'd love to stay and chat but-" She looked at her phone- "I've got to get back to my project. See you later Peggy." 

    "Goodbye Y/N."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2022 ⏰

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