I Didn't Know

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I didn't know I was born into a burning house

When I was born it wasn't a burning house

A house full of eerie yells and hidden pain

I saw flames growing over the years

Never did I think the whole house was burning

it was

The house was burning

And everyone but I could tell it was in flames

They distanced themselves


Dogs, friends, teachers, parents

Everyone but I could tell that the house was burning

But I never stayed in one house long enough for me to see how all the small flames merged into one

I didn't think about the flames until they came burning my door down

Until I had to call for help to get out of the burning house

And so again I left before the fire could catch me

But I'm in a new house and I can see the flames

Only this time I'm afraid I won't be able to call for help

If it comes burning my room down

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