𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐢𝐨 𝐅𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 - 𝟐𝟓 𝐀𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐥 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟏

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Last night got pretty wild. Oliver had been feeling down because he didn't know how to break up with Brooke, and so Darcio got the guys together and took Oliver out for a guys' night. It just started with the five of them skating around the neighbourhood, and then beers got involved, and before anyone knew what was going on, they were so drunk they could hardly stand. The group had gotten larger by the hour, and there were now nine guys fumbling around Beverly Hills. By about 2 am, they started hearing cops driving nearby. They decided to hide. Being as drunk as they were, they stupidly decided to hide in Lake Northam. Nine drunk 17-year-olds and water were not a good combination, and things got messy fast. Everything was a blur of sirens, flashing red and blue lights, shouting, and then getting pulled out of the lake. They had watched Oliver's limp body being rushed into an ambulance and the doors closing as they got their last glimpses of him before Darcio passed out.

He had woken up in his bed with a major hangover, and now Darcio lies wide awake, staring at the ceiling as he goes over last night's events over and over in his head. It was just supposed to be a fun guys' night out. No one was ever meant to get hurt. But here he lies, full of guilt, in his own bed, while Oliver lies in Beverly Hills Hospital, room 243, in an indefinite coma.

Darcio sits up and runs a large pale hand through his raven, Timothée Chalamet-like styled hair. His electric blue eyes dance around the room as he tries to remember how he got home. Darcio gets up, almost falling over, courtesy of his hangover, and walks over to the door. Swinging it open, he walks across the hall to his little sister's room to check on her, but when he opens the door and looks inside, the room is empty. He walks downstairs to his parent's room and opens the door, but the bed hasn't been slept in. Darcio walks back to his room to call his mum. She doesn't answer, neither does his dad, sister, or friends. It's like everyone has left him, and he's all alone. He decides to call some people who he doesn't talk to very much because if this is some kind of sick prank, then they probably won't be in on it. First, he calls Angie, nothing, then Michelle, nothing, and then he calls Brooke.

"Hello?" Brooke's bored voice jumps through the phone.

"Hey, Brooke," Darcio drags, wishing that anyone else had been the one to pick up. "Do you know where everyone is? No one is picking up, and my parents and sister aren't home." Darcio's voice breaks slightly when he says this, his five-year-old sister, Lily, is his whole world. No one compares to her.

"I don't know. I can't find my mum, and no one will pick up the phone for me either. I passed out on the kitchen floor while on the phone to Angie and woke up in my bed," Brooke confesses.

"Are you going to school today?" If no one else is going to pick up, then I guess I'll deal with Brooke.

"I wanna see what all of this is about, so I guess I'll see you there," Brooke huffs.

"See you." Darcio hangs up and sits on his bed with his phone in hand for another 15 minutes before getting ready.

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