Chapter 21- Wedingo

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Trepidation and fear filled me as I took in the monstrosity that stood in front of me. It snarled in a low grumbling voice, flaring its nose like structure and curling its fleshy lips to bare its teeth. The second I saw the glint of its steel-like teeth, a shiver ran down my spine. 

I gulped, my hands visibly shaking. The Wedingo's eyes rapidly caught every movement I made. It crouched, hunching its spiny back in a predatory manner. My heart sank when I knew it was going to launch at me any second now. 

My life flashed before my eyes and I felt dizzy and weak in the knees. I tried to remember everything that Hudson had taught me but it was of no use because I didn't have a weapon on hand. I mentally chided myself for even considering fighting a Wedingo. The satanic creature had ripped off Hudson's arm for heaven's sake. And Hudson was one of the best warriors we had. Then again, he had been caught off-guard. So maybe there was hope of defeating the Wedingo. 

Or not.

I backed off even more.

 The creature took its steps leisurely towards me. It was taunting me with its horrid, bulging eyes which made my trepidation shoot through the roof. I gulped and felt my throat dry up, the walls scratching uncomfortably against each other. It's jaws opened, the glistening knife-like teeth glistened, strands of gooey black substance moistening its mouth for its next kill.  

I didn't have a choice. If I screamed again, the creature was most likely going to pounce. At least I'd get three more seconds to live if I didn't scream. 



I shut my eyes tightly and held my breath, waiting for the inevitable. I felt the ground move when the Wedingo pounced. The last thing I felt was its humid, stinky breath in my nostrils before the pain came.

The next thing I knew was nothingness.

 The great, black, empty nothingness. 

I don't know how long it was before my senses started working again. 

The first thing I felt was soft, delicate quilting brushing against my hands. I could feel my back on something soft. My head had been propped up with the help of something equally as soft. I tried to crack open my eyes, knowing that they were crusty. Hot, blinding light pierced through my vision, forcing me to shut my eyes again.  

Just then, I felt freezing cold water splashing across my face and my torso. 

My body shot upright in the fraction of a second, my head spinning horribly. I felt like throwing up, regretting why I sat up so fast. I couldn't make out anything in my vision. Everything kept spinning so fast that it was beyond my comprehension. I groaned and plopped back down on my pillow again. It was soaking wet. And cold.

 I was going to murder the culprit.

"Good morning, princess," a highly annoying voice said smugly. I groaned again. It was voluntary this time. 

"Am I in hell already?" I asked hopefully.

"No. Even better," the voice answered. "You have me here in the flesh."

I slapped my forehead and instantly regretted it when blinding pain struck me. I opened my eyes, holding my head regrettably. Aiden stood in front of me. He wasn't wearing training gear anymore. He was dresses in black pants and a white shirt. I tried looking away from the way his shirt clung to every inch of his toned torso. We were in a tent four times the size of the one I had been assigned to. I was on a bed and there were others around me. However, they were all empty. Judging the sunlight entering the tent from the open slit, it was probably still morning.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2022 ⏰

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