Chapter 4

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"OH MY GOD. CAROL. OH MY GOD, BEN!" I rushed up to him and picked him up, running out of the bedroom to call the police.

I set Ben down on the sofa crying and scared to death whilst I rung the police, and then Ross to see if he could look after Ben whilst we get this all sorted out and maybe bring all the others down for moral support too. 

Soon after, the police arrived shortly followed by all my friends, Ross took Ben immediately back to his apartment and the others all came to sit down with me as I burst into tears.

"But- but Carol... and and HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN" I cried as Mon and Pheebs hugged me.

Joe and Chandler were off talking to the police and when they came back they said "He said he would need to speak with you about what happened and what you saw" which was fine if only I could stop crying enough to talk properly. But obviously that wasn't meant to happen, as they then wheeled out the body in a body bag on the stretcher, which sent me into even more of a flurry of tears. At this rate I was gonna drown in my own tears by midnight.

About 10 minutes later, one of the police officers came to speak to me.

"Hello, Ms Jones, I'm Detective Crisp and I am going to need to speak to every single one of you and your friends individually to get a sense of what may have happened here today, even if it seems like your friends had nothing to do with it, as this has now been ruled a - (dramatic pause) - homicide"

"Oh my gosh" Mon, Pheebs and I all said shakily at the same time.

*The next morning, at the police station*

*Detective Crisp's POV*

As I was walking through the entrance, doughnut in hand, when an officer waved and said "Good mornin' detective. Don't forget you need to read over the motives of the people involved/possible suspects in the Willick-Jones case today" and, damn, I had forgotten.

I carried on walking towards a vacant interrogation room and sat myself down with the files in hand. I started to read through them. This is what they said:

Carol Willick:

Status: deceased

Motive: none, happy life, most definitely not a suicide

Lauren Jones:

Status to the deceased: Married (happily as it seems) with one child (the father of this child is Ross)

Motive: possibly having a secret affair, possibly fell in love with someone else  ?

Ross Geller:

Status to the deceased: ex-husband and wife, one child together (it's complicated)

Motive: possibly revenge on Carol for wanting a divorce and leaving him, possibly revenge on Carol for cheating, possibly wanted Carol out the picture so to have more time with Ben

Rachel Green:

Status to the deceased: friend

Motive: was in love with Lauren and maybe wanted Carol out the picture

Monica Geller:

Status to the deceased: friend

Motive: none

Phoebe Buffay:

Status to the deceased: friend

Motive: none

Background info: prison record

Chandler Bing:

Status to the deceased: friend

Motive: none

Background info: slightly traumatic childhood

Joey Tribbiani:

Status to the deceased: friend

Motive: none

Just as I finish reading through the files, a crackly voice comes through on my radio.

"Detective Crisp, have we got any opinions on the Willick-Jones case yet? Have you read the files yet? Over."

I reply with "Yes, I have read the files. Lauren Jones, Rachel Green and Ross Geller seem to make the most sense with their motives, so until we get any more information on the case, I'm pinning them as my prime suspects"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2022 ⏰

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