Special Labor

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( it was September the 1st and it was the day that the whole country the whole world rather if Victoria and Anthony's child is a boy or a girl )

( The Buckingham palace made an announcement )

Royal household: we are pleased to inform you all that her Royal highness Princess Victoria and his royal highness Anthony the duke of Essex is having a beautiful little girl

( He finished his announcement everyone outside the palace gates cheered that they were having a girl even the royal family heard about the news and the other royals around the world were happy )

( The next day it's September the 2nd it was Victoria's due date at 3 am they went off to the hospital already Anthony was with her all the time )

Doctor: Your highness's we will have the labor at 5 so both of you can rest first
Anthony: thank you doctor
Doctor: pleasure ( he bowed )

Anthony: are you nervous?
Victoria: no I'm not
Anthony: but you look like you are
Victoria: I just didn't get a proper sleep
Anthony: then you should sleep for a bit

( Victoria closed her eyes for a moment )

( Nurses entered the room and they started to move Victoria's bed onto the delivery room )

( Victoria was nervous but once she saw her husband with her she feels excited and happy )

Doctor: ma'am we are going to start all you have to do is push
Victoria: alright
Anthony: I'm here

( He held Victoria's hands in his )

Doctor: alright on the count of 3, 1 2 3 push ma'am

( Victoria pushed and pushed )

Doctor: push more ma'am almost there

( Victoria squealed in pain but she pushed more )

( Until " baby crying " she was out )

Doctor: there she is really healthy your highnesses
Victoria: really may I see her
Doctor: here

( He showed her to them )

Doctor: we'll clean her first
Anthony: yes of course
You did great
Victoria: I believe I did anyways
Anthony: hahaha

Nurse: here we are
Here's your lovely healthy daughter your highnesses

( Anthony held her for the first time )

Anthony: here

( He gave her to Victoria )

Victoria: oh how beautiful
Anthony: she's got your eyes
Crystal blue also like your mother
Victoria: she is, she's got your nose too
Anthony: oh thankfully haha
Have you thought of a name yet
Victoria: well I've been thinking of
Harriet as the female version of Harry's name and Antoinette as queen Antoinette then add Caroline Grace
Anthony: that's a really long name
Victoria: indeed but unique and beautiful
Anthony: so her name is-
Victoria: Harriet Antionette Caroline Grace
Anthony: well I think it's beautiful
Victoria: you think?
Anthony: I mean it's a beautiful name

( Victoria was discharged from the hospital once she walked out the whole street was full of cameras they were happy to see her again after her long pregnancy )

Paparazzi: your highness here!
Paparazzi: what's her name?!
Paparazzi: did you name her Diana?!

( All of them shouted she couldn't answer them all but she just smiled for the cameras )

( They approached closer to the paparazzi )

Paparazzi: your highness how are you feeling?
Victoria: I am pretty well thank you
Paparazzi: how about you your highness how does it feel to be a father
Anthony: oh it's the most amazing experience I've ever had
Paparazzi: did you thought of a name
Victoria: well we discussed it but we're not going to announce it yet
Paparazzi: how's the baby?
Anthony: she is very heavy haha
And a very healthy girl
Paparazzi: glad to hear that your highness

( After they answered all the questions well not all of it they went home and they drove to balmoral so that the other family members can see the new princess of the family )

Harry: they're here!

Victoria: hello
Butler: they are upstairs your royal highnesses
Anthony: thank you

( Victoria was struggling with the car seat )

Anthony: here let me
Victoria: haha thank you

Edward: ah here they are
Beatrice: can we see her
Victoria: yes of course here come closer
Eugene: she's sleeping
Harry: her eyes are closed Eugene
William: she's awake
Charles: be careful, she has blue eyes like you
Victoria: yes she has and she got Toni's nose
Sarah: haha yes
Anne: have you thought of a name yet?
Zara: oh yes what could it be?
Anthony: yes we already thought of it
Peter: what's her name?

( Her Majesty and prince Philip entered the room )

Victoria: granny
Elizabeth Ii: oh she's here may I?
Victoria: yes of course

( Her Majesty was carrying her in her arms while everyone was looking at the new member of the family )

( Prince Philip was observing )

Philip: she's got your eyes
Victoria: yes papa told me that too
Elizabeth Ii: she reminds me of mother

( Everyone stopped as what her Majesty commented on Harriet's physical features )

Elizabeth Ii: they've got the same shape of their face
Philip: have you thought of any name?
Victoria: we have
Andrew: what is it?
Victoria: Harriet Antionette Caroline Grace
Harry: that's a long name
Victoria: it is but it suits her
Andrew: well it's good you didn't go for the same names we have in this family

( Princess Royal Anne punched him in his side )

Elizabeth Ii: it is a beautiful name
Philip: you didn't thought of Elizabeth?
Elizabeth Ii: Philip!
Philip: what?

( All of them just laughed )

Elizabeth Ii: well Harriet it is
Princess Harriet of Essex

William: wait is Harriet the girl version of harry?
Anthony: yes
Harry: really that's cool
William: you could've thought of the girl version of my name
Victoria: I couldn't thought of the girl version of William
Harry: we just can call her biggie

Everyone: HARRY!

( Everyone shouted Harry's name In a fun way )

Harry: sorry

( Everyone just laughed ) 😂


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