Your Conclusion

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It started after Cale won against White Star, he began to hear a soft mumble sob. On the second day, he saw that Divide item of God of Death. When he asked, no one knows who put it here. Cale clicks his tongue and decides to call Cage after a whole week of crying inside his dream.

After defeating White Star, Cage decided to stay with Taylor again like in the past. Now the two of us these drinking buddies with Mercenary King, Bud. He uses the Communication Device to call Cage as she was far away.

"Ah yeah, I have heard about it too from God of Death. But It seems like his divided energy is weak because you are not his follower like me. He has a hard time calling you. "

"What did he want from me?"

Cale sighed, those Gods don't want to let him rest right?

"He said that there is a problem from the World connected to Earth 2. The world where Choi Han from Earth 2 transfers too."

Cage didn't understand a single thing she said, she just said what the God of Death said right now. The guy had started to anxious after Cage receive a call from Cale, this time she didn't even need to get drunk to hear him.

'The Birth of Hero 2.'

Cale guesses inside his head, that he might understand why. It might be because Lee Soo Hyuk and Choi Jung Soo, along with Kim Rok Soo have a high opportunity of overcoming the fated death. He didn't know if that affected Little Kim Rok Soo's ability or if something else have happened.

"He said that he lost the last hope in that world, therefore, that world will meet its end sooner."

'Hope? he didn't mean the Real Cale Henituse in the Birth of Hero 2 right? But what kind of thing happen to that guy? With only one disruption of Kim Rok Soo's fate, the butterfly effect becomes bigger than he expected?"

"I think I need to talk with him myself. There are too many things you can't explain right? Can he do that?"

"He said that The Seal God from that World had slashed his power so now he needs rest. He can only regress that world one time without needing the regressor. "

'So the problem is really because of Cale Henituse.'

Cale had a bad feeling about it, he wanted to talk with the Original Cale Henituse, now known as Kim Rok Soo.

"The God of Death said that you can use the Communication device to call him."

Cage responds to what Cale was thinking.

"How can I?"

"Just think of him while holding the globe, but he can help you one time only so make sure It's useful. "

That made Cale stop what he was going to do, one time only is the hard work. He thinks of something that he always wanted to do ever since he met The former Cale Henituse. He wants to make them talk to each other and the truth that he holds.

"I understand, tell God of Death that I will need time to prepare. And what does The God of Death want me to do?"

"He wants you to transmigrate to this world by the portal he and other Gods make. You can take the people you want to help you. ....Oh shit wait for me, I will come with Taylor too!"

"Huh, I want to go with Glenn too!"

Bud who was silently behind Cage hearing the discussion they both made with half of the understanding, shouted. He didn't understand all of that, but he will comprehend the situation when he meets Cale.

"...Do as you please, we will have a meeting tomorrow morning. "

He wants to end this soon and enjoy his slacker life.
Cale started to schedule the gathering with Alberu and Choi Han while he send Raon to On and Hong with Beacrox and Ron. He had said what he wished to them and he want them to helo he tell the truth to his family and friend.

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