Chapter 1

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"Come on y/n, we really need another player." Mike pleads, he was currently in the middle of begging you to join their demon fire club or whatever it may have been called. Could they not have waited until the end of your free period to bug you? "Look I've told you I'm not into dnd anymore, now if you'd kindly leave me alone that'd be appreciated." You sigh turning back to your book.

"Please y/n, Lucas has bailed on us." Dustin wines trying once again "If I say yes will you leave me alone?" You ask flippantly. "Really? You'll come?" Mike asks in hope of conformation, hoping it isn't a repeat of Max's response. "Yes." You repeat nodding your head in an exaggerated manor, you'd just told him you'd go, what about that did he find so hard to understand?

You found the two quite irritating and had only spoken too them on a couple of occasions, one when Mike knocked some schoolwork out of your hands, your sheets had scattered on the ground and he simply apologized quickly and walked past you, not bothering to help pick them up. Another showing them around the school as your year had been instructed to, generally they were ok, asking few questions. Dustin seemed ok but you weren't a fan of Mike due to his seemingly self-centered attitude.

"We'll see you later then!" Dustin smiles enthusiastically, the boys turn on their heels and walk away to whatever class it may be they have next. You couldn't tell whether you were dreading or looking forward to the evening, you knew there were others in your year who were part of the club so at least you weren't playing with children, but most of those people in your year happened to be social rejects. You happened to be a bit of one yourself, people generally liked you but you didn't really fit into any of the groups, other than your closest friends you didn't really have a pack you belonged too. Maybe it was a good idea, you'd hit it right off and end up joining the group permanently or maybe it would be really dull and they were just a group of losers. It was a chance you were willing to take though and as the day passed, you found yourself counting down the hours, speculating what the session may be like.

You were now stood outside the house the dnd game was taking place, you couldn't quite remember the name of the guy who's it was. Turning around and going back home crossed your mind but you pushed that thought away, being in a room full of people you've never spoken too was out of your comfort zone but you knew you'd regret turning back. Worst case scenario, they turn out to be a cult and sacrifice you. You took a deep breath and pressed the doorbell, it's emits a ringing sound and you fiddle with your rings nervously. A woman opens the door, she has bright eyes and a warm smile surrounded by plump lips seemingly coloured by a bubble gum pink pigment.

"I'm here for the dnd game." You say "I'm a friend of Dustin's" that wasn't strictly the truth but it would've sounded odd to say you only knew him. She flicks her textured blonde hair and calls to her son "Honey, there's someone here for you." Her voice is smooth and calming "uh thanks mom" he says walking down the hallway to greet you, his brunette hair bounces as he does so "Are you the guy Dustin was on about?" He asks, leaning against the door frame, arms crossed. The stance makes him look somewhat intimidating but his warm smile removes this notion, it was quite alike his mother's. You admired his pin badges, scanning your eyes over each one Michael Myers, a gremlin, an anarchy symbol and a few other designs you didn't recognize. His soft hair looked fluffy and the way it fell framed his face perfectly.

"Yeah, that's me." You laugh nervously. He stands back to let you in "I'm Gareth by the way, we're just through here." He says, his voice also matches his mother's, the soft notes pleasing your ears. You follow him through to the basement and feel your hands get slightly clammy. "Ah here he is, the man of the hour!" Eddie says quite loudly, a contrast to Gareth's tone. You smile awkwardly, unsure how to reply. Dustin, Eddie and two other boys are seated "We're just waiting for Mike." Eddie says and you stay standing unsure what to do with yourself until Gareth pats a seat next to him. He passes you a drink and you accept it with a thanks, your fingers brush and as cliche as it sounds, it's like you feel a spark running through your fingers. A small dusting of blush creeps it's way up your neck to your cheeks.

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