Chapter 3

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You'd known Gareth for what- five days now? You'd enjoyed all of your conversations, some meaningless like whether orange or apple juice was better and others more serious, such as what you both wanted to do when you left school. He spoke of his ideal career path being to work for a record label, possibly producing his own music if the opportunity arose. You also found him to be a diligent study buddy and when in his company, you seemed to be able to focus better. Similar in academic abilities, you were enabled to help one another when needed.

You had planned to ask him whether he wanted to meet up outside of school, perhaps a record store or the secluded bookshop you had thought of previously. There was a new horror film that had recently been shown at the mall, that might have been worth mentioning as you knew him to be a fan of horror. Currently, you were in 4th period, a teacher droning on about algebraic equations, or so that's what you thought her to be talking about. After this lesson was lunch, where you'd be spending it on Eddie's table as you had been doing that week. You didn't input much to the conversation but you did so more than you had at the beginning of the week, generally, you were happier listening though and Eddie happened to do more than enough talking for you to remain quiet without an awkward silence.

Your class is promptly dismissed and you proceed to the canteen, sitting in your usual spot next to Gareth. Mike and Dustin begin childishly bickering loudly over which was worse, Vecna or the demogorgan. Mike claims Dustin to be outrageous for even comparing the two, passionately declaring the demogorgan to be the victor between them.

You turn to Gareth. "Have you seen nightmare on Elm street?" You ask rotating a ring around your finger, a habit you were yet to grow out of. "No but the title sounds vaguely familiar, why?" He asks, taking a sip of soda from his can of sprite. "I was wondering whether you'd want to see it at the weekend? It's a horror film so I thought you might like it." You explain hoping for him not to decline the offer. "Yeah, I like the sound of that. When were you thinking?" He replies casually. "Saturday, I think theres a few showings then. Would nine suit you?" You ask, to which he replies "Yeah I could do nine, you could meet me at mine at nine thirty and we could make our way from there." He suggests. You spend the remainder of lunch planning the event, and given that you're both eager, it's easy to become quite excited for you're... You weren't quite sure what to call it, a date maybe? Not the romantic sort of course, like a study date but without the studying. Whatever it was, you were looking forward to it and as the thought crossed your mind throughout the day, you couldn't help but smile.

Saturday rolls around and it's spent reading and listening to music. The mellow tune of your record player echoes in your room, the vinyl spinning hypnotically. You are a bit of a nerd, often hunched over a captivating novel turning the pages in anticipation. You were currently reading 'Burmese Days', a George Orwell book Gareth had lent you that you had not yet read, odd considering you were such a fan of his work. You weren't really one for going out to party's or meeting in large groups over the weekend, often preferring the company of a few close friends or a book. When reflecting on your dynamic, you were glad Gareth was more extroverted than you, having only befriended introverts in the past, the change was more than welcome and was highly refreshing, bringing a new perspective that you hadn't given much time.

You look at the time, realising you best set off now, otherwise you may risk being late. His house is a twenty minute walk from yours and as you tie your shoelaces, you wonder what Gareth himself is doing, perhaps playing the drums or reading. You gaze at your appearance in the mirror, running your fingers through your hair and ensuring your outfit looks nice enough. You were hardly dressed fit for a wedding but you put your favourite items of clothing on, ones you thought best suited you. The subtle breeze and evening sun that warmly glows on your skin makes the walk pleasant, even more so by the birdsong that fills the air melodically.

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