family / home

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mom: cr mom

dad: cr dad

brother: cr brother

pets: cr cats

- both of my parents are friendly with my friends' families

- my family and i are very close like in my cr

- my mom and dad both have high paying jobs, so we have a lot of money

- my cats are always healthy and never get sick or injured

- my brother has classes with nancy, jonathan, steve and robin so he's friendly with all of them


- we own a cute white house, that neighbors mike's house. our yard is very nature-y, with lots of plants and trees

- our backyard is very big and fits our pool and trampoline

- our house isn't too far from the others'  houses and school

- we have bikes, skateboards and other toy / activities in our shed

my room

- my room is very cozy

- the bed is white with cute colored pillows, and the walls have a bunch of movie + music posters on them. i have fairy lights above my bed, and a hanging plant above my desk, plus a pretty big plotted plant by my closet

- i have a record player and a bunch of good records of music that i like

- i have a lipchap collection in my desk drawer (it's an addiction.) 

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