Chapter 1: An Invitation for Cake

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Kim Minji was seen as a hero to the people of the Insomnia Kingdom, bringing peace to the land by rescuing the princess from captivity from the clutches of their enemies. The people praised her as their profound savior, gracing her with the gifts and love that overflowed with the joy she felt. But that's not all she felt.

The Princess of the Insomnia Kingdom, Princess Singie, was a thoughtful ruler, bringing about a democratic rule to bring about peace and prosperity throughout the kingdom. She was seen as the people's legitimate ruler, as they had favored her time and time again to rule the kingdom with ease.

You see, Minji had felt deep feelings for the princess ever since the first time she had rescued her. The warm embrace as Minji time and time again brought the princess to safety, as the princess rewarded her again and again with chances to see her as a formal date, however, neither had proven these feelings.

Until one day...

Minji had rescued the princess after the last rescue mission, and the day after, she had received a letter, stating:

"Dear Kim Minji,

Please come to the castle,

I have baked a cake for you as gratitude for rescuing me.

Yours truly,

Princess Siyeon,


The opportunity had arisen for Minji as she hurried off to the castle, putting on overalls and hopping into the nearest warp zone to travel to the castle. She was finally having the opportunity to confess her feelings to the princess. She kept on thinking and thinking, what was it she was going to say, what was it she was going to do, what would the princess think, would she reject her? As she entered the warp zone, all these thoughts had been racing through her head as she traveled to her destination: Insomnia Castle!


The sight of the castle was breathtaking as Minji exited the warp zone,  the birds were chirping happily and the wind was breezing through the hair around her cap. As she ran her way towards the drawbridge, a voice called out to her:


Minji turned to see a flying cloud with a woman riding it. As the lady drifted down to Minji's eye level, Minji took off her cap and scratched her head, confused as to why the lady in the cloud had stopped her from entering Insomnia Castle.

"No one has left that castle for ages! It's not safe in there!" the lady in the cloud had explained.

"It's ok, the castle residents are probably preparing a surprise." Minji too had explained, trying to calm the nerves of the cloud lady.

"I'm serious, Minji." the cloud lady had warned. "Not even the princess has been seen outside the castle in weeks"

"You're lying"

Minji ran off to the door of the castle as fast as she could, praying that the words of the cloud lady weren't true.

*rattle rattle rattle*

The door was locked.

The cloud lady popped over beside Minji and peered right over her shoulder, holding the key to the castle entrance door.

"You know, Minji, you could ask nicely for the key"

"Pretty please, Miss..." Minji stumbled upon her words as she wasn't introduced to the cloud lady's name

"They call me Lucy, but you can call me Gahyeon"

"Pretty please, Miss Gahyeon. I need to go see the princess" Minji begged.

Gahyeon tossed the door key, shaking her head. As Minji caught the key, the cloud lady turned away in disbelief, knowing something that Minji did not.

"Don't say I didn't warn you." Gahyeon ominously warned as she flew off.

Minji creaked open the door.

There wasn't any noise, any sign of life. Everything was left untouched, everything left the way it was the last time Minji visited the princess. It was almost too quiet like no one was seen or heard throughout the castle except for the footsteps coming from Minji's boots.

Minji grew worried and started to look through the castle to find the princess.

"Princess? Princess Singie?" She called out.

No answer

Minji didn't want the words of the cloud lady to become true and was worried that Gahyeon knew more than what she had told her. Overthinking, she ascended the steps of the foyer, worried at the realization of the princess not alive, or if she was taken captive again.

She came across a door. A twisted symbol in the form of a large staff. Minji shook the door.

No response. Minji shook the door again.

A bellowed voice surrounded the castle walls.

"The Princess is not here, Minji"


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2022 ⏰

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