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I know the last chapter was sad but this one is a little more. This has a lot of things about chrissy in this chapter and may be longer than the other chapters. This has a lot of explaining about Chrissy and her love for Vickie. And there is something you will learn off Vickie. This is a very interesting chapter by the way. Also, if you hated Chrissy in the last chapters, then I think this chapter might make something different. And also, sorry for saying chapters alot.

[Most of this chapter is Chrissy's POV so if you notice that Chrissy's POV is long, then just know this whole chapter won't be only her POv but also other people with have their POV here, especially someone new ;) ]

Chrissy Pov:

Today, I saw Robin with Vickie and Robin looked disappointed. I have no idea why before you give me questions. Anygay-i mean way, I thought of getting hand picked flowers. I thought, maybe make a move to Vickie. I have loved Vickie since kindergarten. She was sweet and gentle. I wish I could stroke her hair, kiss her, show a lot of love to her. She is always in my heart.

She is in my eyes.

She is in my ears.

She is in my blood.

She is in my tears.

Without her, I'd be nothing. If I have to be honest, she is the actual reason I'm alive. Without her, you would have seen me dead. I have had bad trauma that I always wanted to kill myself but I couldn't because of the thought of Vickie. She always pops up in my mind. She conquered half of me and without that half...oh god. I already mentioned it. My love for her is crazy. Anyways, back to the flower thing. I wanted to hand pick flowers from the local feild with many flowers, especially daisies. I wanted to get fresh ones, ones that I GOT, not from a shop. The thing is that i'm going to put it in her locker thats has the flower with chocolate in a heart box with a card that says

"Dear Vickie,

I have had a crush on you since Kindergarten. I can talk about you for the whole day without being bored. I love you so much. Yes, LOVE. You are the sweetest and gentle person I ever knew. You probably won't like me back because I'm a girl and you have a boyfriend, Will ,but I wanted to let you know. I admire you alot. So much that you are on my brain for 24 HOURS. Without you existing, I'm nothing, I'd be x_x.

If you want to respond, you can right a card and put it in the same place you found this box.

Love, Secret."

I also have a little box that I'm going to give that has a heart in the centre. In fact, that necklace was the necklace my grandma gave me before she....I can't even say it. My grandma told me that if I find a girl that I love, then give the necklace to her. I'm doing what my grandma told me to do. I'm giving it to Vickie. I hope Vickie likes these things. Now I'm gonna get things prepared.

~time skip~

I went to the local field to get some daisies. Vickie's favourite flowers are daisies and it's going to be super cute if I give her a favourite. I care about the small details. I don't really do big details.

I picked out some beautiful daisies, a whole dozen of them. Now I understand why daisies are Vickie's favourite.

After, I went to the shops to get chocolates in a heart box and paper, pencils and ribbons.

I then ran back home, to my bedroom and started to craft. First, I tied the flowers together with a ribbon. Then I got the paper, wrote my little speech and drew something at the back. It was a sketch of a vickie with little hearts around her. It was adorable. Then I took off my necklace and put it in a little box. I hope Vickie doesn't notice it's mine though. That's the last thing I want. Then I put all of these gifts in the pink box, which has hearts all over, putting it under my bed for tomorrow.

One thing together &it<3Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang