Part 7: Shea

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Carey bursts into the locker room immediately after our Canadiens lose Game Three. However, it does not appear that he is about to berate the rest of the team for dropping the third contest in a series where the first team to win four games wins the Stanley Cup. Instead, he seems preoccupied with something completely different.

"I believe that I may have discovered a solution to our ghost problem," he reveals, and we all gasp in surprise. "Before I tell you what the solution is, I have to reveal a secret that I've been concealing for a very long time."

"We won't be angry at you no matter what your secret is," I attempt to comfort the goaltender, who appears slightly nervous. "Unless you tell us that you are secretly a supporter of the Boston Bruins."

Carey looks legitimately offended. "Absolutely not! Don't worry, Shea. I am loyal to the Canadiens and the Canadiens only. My secret is that I lived on a haunted farm as a youth. I regularly communicated with the spirits that both visited and resided there. I...I talked to five of them today, and they promised to try and negotiate with Tom."

The room falls into silence, but nobody looks disappointed in Carey.

"Seriously?" Cole, his hazel eyes widening in shock, is the first to speak. "At first, I thought it was just myself who had that ability. Then Gustav Nordin told me he also had it...and now you? Is anybody else in this room able to see and communicate with supernatural entities?"

The other Canadiens players inform Cole that they cannot do what he has just described. Cole nods in understanding and thinks for a moment.

"You, Gustav, and I should form an alliance and stick together for the remainder of our time in the Finals," Cole suggests after pondering for a minute. "That way, we can share new information and work together to solve the mystery of getting Tom to mind his own business."

"If only you could file a restraining order against a ghost," Jake Allen ponders thoughtfully, pausing as his eyes widen. "Wait, can you?"

"I don't think so, Jake," I regretfully inform our backup goaltender, who now looks dejected. "Anyway, back to work. Cole, I believe that your idea is magnificent. Sportsmanship is a helpful quality to have. It will be advantageous if you and Carey form this alliance with Gustav Nordin."

"I'll propose the idea to him," Cole suggests, already standing up and preparing to go to Tampa Bay's dressing room. "He's just about my age–I am twenty-one, and he is twenty. Therefore, communicating with him will probably be easier for me than for Carey, an elderly man."

"Cole!" Carey scolds the younger man, but it is evident that he is not really offended by Cole's remarks. "That was most unkind of you!"

"My sincerest apologies, Grandpa," Cole giggles and dashes down the hallway towards the visitor's dressing room. "I will return momentarily!"

"He's a fascinating kid, isn't he?" I ask no one in particular, but Carey nods.

"I believe that with young players like him and Nick on the team, the Canadiens have a bright future ahead of them," Carey responds proudly. "The future of the team generally seems to be heading uphill."

"Coming back from our deficit in this series is a nearly impossible feat for us. However, I can imagine our prospects will not have as much trouble in any future Finals as we have now," I declare seriously. "They might sweep their way to the twenty-fifth championship in franchise history!"

"I completely agree with your statements, Shea," Carey replies. Some of the teammates who overheard our conversation murmur and nod in agreement.

Cole returns abruptly. Trailing him is none other than Tampa Bay's Gustav Nordin. The timid Swede steps cautiously into the locker room like he is afraid we will not allow him to join us.

"You can definitely come in," I wave at the young Lightning player. "We don't bite, Gustav."

"That's good to hear," he responds quietly, still looking down at the floor and not making eye contact with anyone. "Cole invited me here. He wants to form an alliance with himself, me, and Carey Price since we can all see and communicate with ghosts. He says it is the best way he can imagine to end Tom's reign of terror and restore peace to the Finals."

"Do you accept the proposal?" Carey questions as Cole turns towards Gustav.

Gustav nods. "Yes, I accept. I will assist you both in sending Tom back home, wherever that may be. He must stop bothering us and trying to murder us."

Carey, Cole, and Gustav conduct a three-way handshake to finalize the deal that they have made. I grin proudly at the display of friendship and sportsmanship directly in front of me.

"Alright," Carey speaks after he releases Gustav's hand. "First things first. Boys, I need to introduce you to some of my deceased friends. They will be our assistants, giving us information about things to do to get Tom to finally leave us all alone. Come right this way."

The group of three, led by Carey, exits the room. They talk quietly and quickly amongst themselves as they continue down the hallway.

Most of my teammates are already gone when the group returns ten minutes later. However, I am still waiting for my family to arrive, so I am still sitting in my stall. Cole seemingly doesn't mind. In fact, he runs right over to me with a wide grin displayed on his boyish face.

"Greetings, Shea!" He exclaims in his permanently excited voice, seemingly unaffected by the conversation he has just had with actual ghosts. "I'm sure you'll be delighted to know that Carey, Gustav, and I talked to those Canadian spirits that Carey knows from childhood. Carey was correct about them being nice! They are going to talk to Tom right now, and they will report their results to Carey in the morning. I think we may be approaching a solution to our problem!"

"Cole," I laugh as the rookie standing before me bounces rapidly in place. "Cole, my friend, you must relax. However, your news is enthralling. I look forward to hearing more from you and your alliance. Thank you so much for trying to stop the Canadiens and the Lightning from being haunted during this series. I greatly appreciate it!"

"This plan should be the one that finally functions!" Cole declares confidently as he rushes to the door. "Goodbye, Shea. I'll see you again tomorrow morning. Hopefully, I'll be ready to deliver some positive news!"

"I am certain that that will be the case," I assure my teammate, who seems confident but slightly nervous about his bold statement. "I'll see you tomorrow. Don't forget to show up to mandatory practice at eight sharp."

"Don't worry, Captain," he smiles as he steps into the hallway. "I will be there."

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