Chapter 1

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"Rose, look I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you the way I did." Michael said he grabbed my wrist which forced me to turn around to look at him. I tried to pull away but failed. "Rose please just stop" I looked into his eyes tears flooding my own.
"Why?" That's all I wanted to know right in this moment but I couldn't bring myself to look at him anymore. "I-I don't know" is all he has for an answer.
"You cheated on me and all you have for an answer is 'I don't know' really fucking really?!" I screamed. He looked down almost as if he is ashamed of himself. "Please leave Michael" I stated he looked up at me even though he was taller than me.
He walked out the door and left I fell to my knees and cried. My long black curly hair fell to the sides of my face my bangs not really bangs anymore. But being 5'5 isn't the best the tears stung my blue hazel eyes. I got up off my knees and looked myself in the mirror. I wasn't skinny enough. My body shape a Coca Cola body shape. My medium colored brown skin shines in the bathroom lighting.
I look down to my wrists; and see all the scars from me cutting. I sighed knowing I shouldn't but I had to. I went searching for my blades but couldn't find them only to remember I got rid of all of them by throwing them in the trash.

I sighed; knowing I needed to talk to someone. But that someone that was always there for me just walked out of my apartment door and is now gone for good. I felt the tears start to run down my face again. I knew I wasn't going to be sleeping for a couple of days. And I also had my first time with him; he took my virginity.
I just walked to my bed room and laid down on my bed and cried myself to sleep. I didn't even want to think about him anymore but I couldn't stop myself from thinking about him.
And before I could fully fall asleep; my phone rang so I sat up and answered it. It was my boss from the producing company. "Hey Rose; sorry it's late but I have an artist who wants you to help produce their album that's coming out soon. They want to remain anonymous until you go and meet them tomorrow." My boss told me.

"Okay; I can do that. Where is their studio located at?" I asked he gave me the address and I wrote it down so I wouldn't forget it. And then he hung up the phone and I went and laid back down on my soft cotton bed sheets. I sighed and was finally able to fall asleep.
I can only hope that tomorrow is a better day.

But I just couldn't fall asleep with one thing on my mind. 'Who is the artist that I will be helping produce this album?' That is the only thing I can think to myself at this moment.

But not to long after I had fallen asleep still in my work clothes. I was to lazy to change out of them anyways.

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