The Hunter Camp

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Hi muffinns! Sorry for this stupidly lame wait- school's been an ass to me. Also, I want to say that I've decided that Percy will be a hot tiger. My love for Pertimis has shrivelled up and died in the corner, now I think about it. Anyway, on wards to the next chapter!







@Choca_Chip (Thanx for inboxing me with a suggestion)

Special Thanx to @ImperialGold ! You earn the dedication for this chapter!!

****** P E R C Y

Honestly, this was not how I was expecting to turn out.

Yeah, yeah- I know I didn't expect being betrayed and heart-broken, neglected- well, even more I guess by Poseidon, have my beautifully loving parents dying and it was all because of my other life. I admit full-heartedly that I did not even think that this ongoing waterfall of tragedies would happen- that all of this bullshit would happen to me specifically.

However, what I did not expect was to have a seven-year old girl, with a very cheerful attitude to anything that breathed- so cheerful that it made me physically wince when she giggled, to be climbing all over my body like I was her personal playground.

I really, really regret offering Regan to climb my shoulders to cheer her up from the hellhound attack. Couldn't I just hold her hand and walk along her side? But noooo! My stupid mind is literally gonna be the death of me on one fateful day. Though, I have to say that Chaos was sort of right when he said (and I quote): " Get your fat ass off the couch, dude, put the laptop down and go make me a sandwhich, you recluse." Which I, like always, rolled my eyes at.

Anyway, after trudging through the lively forest with Regan across my shoulders, I almost collapsed and started kissing the ground in relief when I spotted the Hunter camp, which was heavily layered in mist to fool the mortals, the entrance subtly covered in tree branches. Maybe it was the fact that it was almost 1pm when in fact I was supposed to reach the Hunter Camp at 9pm at the latest because I'm a lazy ass- or maybe it was because Artemis didn't give a shit about me and preferred to climb the thick branches of the trees to eye the forest for monsters- but Artemis was sitting in an oak tree, cleaning her bow.

"Artemis!" I yelled to catch her attention, which wasn't that hard considering she was a Goddess and she didn't have ADHD. Artemis's red hair was a blur as she snapped her head up, though she seemed to huff at the sight of me.

"Well, if it isn't Percy Jackson?" She sneered but her face softened as her eyes glanced at Regan. I harrumphed and Regan hopped off my shoulders. I pulled my hood up mainly for two reasons. 1) I didn't want any Hunters who I had pranked in Camp Half-Blood to rampage over me. And 2) Artemis gawked discreetly at my hair, noticing that it was much longer than her fiery red hair.

"Whatever, hunter goddess." I snarled quietly; Regan was awwing and oohing at Artemis's godliness, " Besides, one more step and you could be Voldemort. I mean, you already look like Voldemort." I gave her a sickly sweet smile and Artemis growled like a rabid wolf. She shoved past me and knelt before Regan, smiling.

"Woah! You have such bright hair!" Regan squealed excitedly and I raised an eyebrow, flicking my bangs out my eyes. Artemis gave a clenched grin and said,

"Hey, little girl!" Artemis waved, her silvery wisps of eyes glinting, "I'm Artemis-"

"Like the goddess?" Artemis nodded hesitantly, "Oh my God! Opps!" Regan knelt on a knee and Artemis sent me a look which said, 'this girl has sooo much more worth that you. She respects me.' "Good Afternoon, my mistress, I suppose?" Regan said the last part to herself and seemed to mutter to herself.

"Come, small child," Artemis stroked Regan's long hair, almost lovingly. Her hand was on Regan's shoulder, guiding a bubbly child towards the entrance of the Hunter camp. You know, Regan's behaviour reminded me of Nico when he was younger, the always joyous, always optimistic boy- not the gloom and doom he is now. Thinking about my cousin caused my heart to slow with guilt. I wonder how Camp Half-Blood is now. Do they mourn like they cried over the deaths of countless demigods during the Wars? Or do they laugh bitterly at the mention of my name, knowing that I deserve the pain I had and am in right now?

When Artemis finally pushed the ivy and leaves away from the entrance (I am not going to help that bitch in anything, let's get that straight) I have to say I was very impressed. I knew that this Camp is one of the main ones, the one that offers the most resources from the Wild. Hunters of all builds and appearances were splayed around the massive Camp;sharpening weapons, laughing and chatting, having matches, practicing their archery. However, once they caught the sight of a male that was cloaked mysteriously and glaring subtly at Artemis behind her back, they sneered and snarled. Dear Chaos, is this what Artemis taught girls? To act like animals that deserve to be in zoos? The hunters grabbed their nearest weapons and circled around me, pointing their notched arrows at me. I huffed and crossed my arms as Artemis sent a smug look towards me.

"Leave him alone!" Regan shrieked, her eyes gathering tears making the Goddess frown.

"Yeah, girlies, don't treat me like a dog," I smirked, but they sneered.

"Well, you are one are you not?" A hunter with brown hair growled, her dark purple eyes swirling.

"Wait till K hears about this, Artemis. Tut, tut, he'll be so angry," I grinned mischievously. Being the little bro of Chaos is so beneficial because it raises my street cred even more. I watched as Artemis paled considerably.

Artemis scowled ferociously, muttering a "Whatever," and turned Regan around so they could walk to her tent. The hunters narrowed their eyes but put their weapons away slowly and I chose to follow the Goddess and yet to be unclaimed demigod.

Now that I think about it, my raised eyebrow didn't dropped. In fact, both were raised higher.

Where's Thalia?? O.o Find out in the next chappie! Love you guys xox

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