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We have been on this since morning and now the sun was about to set and I have still not learnt how to target a blow at someone. My hand dropped even before it gets to my target and even when it gets to the target, it ends up looking as though I only tapped the target.

Lara was my target, while Rich was the instructor.

Rich had been very patient with me since morning and I find it amazing but I know he would soon wear out and give up on me in the next couple of days. Or maybe he is been patient with me to save his neck considering my father's threat to his life.

"See you are getting it, Scarlet, and I am loving this" Rich commended.

But what was he loving? It's been hours now and I have recorded no progress.

"I have made no progress, Rich, I still can't even throw a proper blow" I objected.

I know he was trying to make me feel better and boost my morals, but there was nothing to be boosted.

"But see, when we started you could barely touch the target's face but now you are getting to her face. I assure you that before today is gone, the target would feel your punches" he said.

"What difference would that make, today is already gone?" I asked.

Now, the target was beginning to dodge my punches and I have to start targeting her. I wonder who asked her to do this.

"See, Scarlet, you are getting some improvements, I know you can't notice it, but see you how you are trying to make sure that you hit me even when I am dodging you," she said.

Realizing that her actions were intentional, I got angry as I felt she was adding to my pain, and in my anger, I made sure to target her, and my blow got to hit her head.

"Bravo, bravo, that was fantastic" Rich clapped his hands.

"You see, that is what I am talking about," Lara said.

"It's nothing new" I replied.

"No, it is everything new. Can't you see how you have come for me? Even I could not resist you as I wanted to. And if you care to know, I felt the punch" she said.

"Stop it, Lara," I said as I threw another blow that barely got to her.

"Okay, let's agree that you have not made any significant progress with your punches, but can't you see you have never stood this long before, and you have never been this active. You are getting your stamina, dear" she said.

"My stamina" I murmured.

Yes, it was true and I am just realizing it. I have never been consistent with any activity and funny enough, I am not even feeling any pains yet.

Immediately these thoughts crossed my mind, it was as if all the pains of a full year were released on my body and I could not hold on anymore. I let out a scream and fell down.

"What is it, are you okay, Scarlet?" Rich asked as he ran to me.

"Scarlet, what happened to you?" Lara leaned over me and felt my head with her hands.

"My legs, my whole body, I am not feeling anything" I struggled to say.

"You have to relax now, hopefully, you will get better by tomorrow," Lara said to me.

"The pains are just unbearable. I don't think I would recover for the next one year" I murmured.

"Okay, you will alright and back on your feet before you know it," he replied.

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