chapter 5

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Tate POV:

As I arrived I knocked on the door some girl answered.

Girl: hi can I help you
Tate: yeah I am here for Jentzen
Girl: Okay I'm Piper by the way
Tate: cool I'm Tate can I come in
Piper: oh yeah let me get Jentzen for you
Tate: okay thanks
Piper: you can sit there if you would like
Tate: thanks
Jentzen: piper who is it
Tate: look for yourself
Jentzen: thanks for coming to get me
tate: all good, By the way who in the squad is here
Piper: everyone is here
Tate: can you get them all together for me I have something I need to announce and ask everyone
Piper: yeah sure

Once every one was sitting in the lounge room.

Tate: hey I'm Tate
Girl 1: hi I'm Emily
Girl 2: I'm Jenna
Boy 1: I'm Lev
Ellie: and you know who I am
Piper: what was the thing you wanted to say
Tate: oh yeah two things 1st is hey I'm Jemtzens older sister
All but Ellie and Jentzen: really
Jentzen: yeah its true
Lev: why wasn't Ellie shocked
Ellie: I'm over all the the so I just happened to find out
Emily: wait I think I recognise you from something
Jenna and Piper: same
Tate: oh the world know's me as Tate McRae but my really name is Tate McRae Remerize.
All girls: you are one of my favourite singers
Tate: thanks but I got a favour to ask
Piper: okay what is it
Tate: my manager is Travis barker and we were talking about how he and kourtney wanted to surprise Penelope with you guys because you guy are her favourite YouTubers.
Jenna: omg really
Tate: yes really you guys in
All: yeah

We talked for a bit and I let travis know and told them when it was.
About 6:30pm Jentzen and I went home.

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