Imagine this with who you dream of

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You and them are in a garden at nighttime

"Ah... nighttime is such a romantic time." They say and smile.

You look into their eyes, their eyes are like stars overcrowding the dark sky at midnight. They wrap you around their arms and laugh. Their arms are soft and their laugh is sweet like honey. Nothing can compare to this experience you're experiencing right now, it is truly the best you've ever felt. They stroke your hair aside and give your face a kiss. Their laugh fills you with nothing other than immense joy.

"My darling, my beloved y/n..." they whisper in your ear.

It begins to rain outside so you ask if you two should go inside. However, they say...

"I have a much better idea for someone so special like you..."

Then, they grab your wrists and you two dance in the rain at night. The sound of pouring rain as background noise. Their love fills you up, it makes you feel a euphoria you have never felt before. Your feet are tapping in the puddles, splashing you two. This... this is exactly what you've wanted this whole time... All this time you have wanted this romantic moment, with this person, with this special someone. After gazing in their eyes for a moment while dancing, you kiss each other in the rain, under the moon.

"Shall we get some rest now?" they ask you.

"Yeah... I guess that would be nice..." you say.

You two go back home and go to the bed. You collapse on the bed and fall asleep feeling happy deep inside. Right before you fall asleep, you feel them right next to you, they wrap their arms around you and kiss you on the cheek. What a great night that was... wasn't it...? It certainly is a night I dream of having one day...

Imagine this with them... (romantic scenarios)Where stories live. Discover now