Chapter Seven

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Nora knew she should have expected this. She really should have. However, when she left the party last night, she was pissed. And as a result, she wasn't really thinking until it was too late. And still, she knew this was the better version compared to what she'd be forced to listen to later. When school was over and all of the rumours which surfaced after the Halloween party officially spread through the halls of Hawkins High.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! What, you want to get me in trouble?! Is that it?!" Billy yelled at her angrily, his hand often slamming against the steering wheel of his car as he drove towards the school. From the corner of her eye, Nora could see Max flinching in the back seat at the volume, but the redhead knew better than to try to insert herself into the conversation. Something Nora was grateful for as she didn't doubt it would only infuriate Billy even more.

"Billy! I waited for you at the beginning of the street, freezing my ass off in the process! I made sure not to go home just for that reason! Just so you wouldn't get in trouble!" Nora yelled back, angered by his ungrateful behaviour.

Last night, once they'd paid their bill at the diner and headed out, Steve had insisted to walk Nora home. And after he left, she didn't head inside and go to bed as she wanted to. Instead, she moved further down, out of sight of the windows, and waited. Sat on a curb in the cold night and waited for another hour before she could hear Billy's car speeding through the streets. Just because she didn't want him to face the anger their father would display if he found out Nora wasn't with her brother.

"That's bullshit!" Billy exploded, this time making Nora flinch away at the sight of his angry eyes glaring her way. "You knew you had to be there, and you left! God knows what crap you were doing! Huh?! Wanna tell me what was so important that you left?!"

Billy's questions rendered Nora mute for a few moments. She wasn't sure how to answer. She knew that, in that moment, telling him she'd left with Steve would just make the situation a hundred times worse. But she also knew he'd find out. They'd been seen, and even while still in the diner, Nora could hear the whispers passing between her classmates when they did. She didn't doubt Billy would find out where she'd been throughout the course of the day. But a part of her wanted to put it off for as long as she could.

And luckily for her, she got her chance to do so by evading the question. Because during her silence, Billy's speedy driving had them arriving to the school parking lot just in time. Giving up on finding something to say or lie about right then and there, Nora reached for the door, pushing it open and jumping out of the car as quickly as she could. The brunette made quick work of pushing down the front seat so Max could escape as well, keeping her eye focused on Billy as he climbed out on his own side.

"We're not done talking." Billy announced, his voice now quieter, but still threatening.

"Come on." Nora mumbled, hoping her brother would be discouraged from continuing the argument with all of the other students surrounding them. She put a hand on Max's shoulder and began to lead her away from the car with quick steps. And Max didn't need to be told twice.

Setting her skateboard down on the ground, the younger girl was more than ready to skate away. However, she didn't do so before sending Nora one last questioning glance, silently asking whether she wanted her to stay. The silent conversation between the sisters ended as Nora gave Max's shoulder a gentle push, subtly telling her to go on; that she could handle herself with Billy.

As soon as Max was riding off on her skateboard, Nora turned her back to Billy, walking away before he had a chance to realize she wasn't returning to the conversation as he wanted her to. Her belief that he'd drop it and do nothing due to having an audience were proven wrong as his voice called out from behind her. "Get back here you stupid bitch!"

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