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“Okay class, let’s call this a day, and please don’t forget to pass your assignment next week about the works and writings of Rizal. Understood?”

“Yes ma'am!”

I am Anna and I am in my 4th-year high school now. Today is Friday and I am thankful because, after 5 five days of sleepless nights, I can finally sleep soundly tonight. My classmate came to me and told me that we need to go home already. When I got home, I immediately ate and took a shower, wore my favorite pj’s so that I could finish my assignments early and so I could chill  this weekend because on Monday, I will be a normal student again.

“Time check, it’s already 8PM and finally, the works and writings of Rizal are the only one left now.” I went first to the kitchen to make a glass of milk so that I could be energized somehow.

Two hours later…..

“What is this? I don't really understand huhuhuhu. Maybe I'll just try to search it from google so that I will have an idea about Rizal's works and writing.”

I opened my laptop and tried to search it from google but sadly, my internet connection was very unstable and after 10 minutes of waiting, my internet connection  was lost.

“Arrghhh!! I guess I will just go to sleep for now.”

I decided to close my laptop as well as the lights on my room and then I lay down on my bed while hugging my favorite bolster. After that, I dozed off to sleep.

After 3 hours of sleeping, I woke up and I saw myself standing inside of Fort Santiago Intramuros where Jose Rizal was confined prior to his execution. As I looked around my surroundings, I saw many soldiers going back and forth while holding their rifles and revolvers. I also saw many people crying their hearts out, begging for their lives to the Guardia Civils.

One  Guardia Civil noticed me and immediately came to where I was standing, grabbed my wrist harshly, and said…

“You! Why are you here young Lady! Are you one of those spies who wants to know about our plans right? You should be in prison and later, you will be executed for this.”

“ I uhmm.. No.. I… I….”

“ Shut up!”

The Guardia Civil dragged me to the Intramuros' Darkest Dungeon- The Bateria de Santa Barbara. He opened the gate and pushed me on the ground. After that, he automatically closed the gate and walked away.

“Hey, are you okay?”

I shrieked in horror because of the voice that I heard from nowhere. And there, I saw a man walking towards me while his both hands were inside the pockets of the pants he was wearing.

When he was finally in front of me, my forehead automatically creased, thinking why his facade seemed so familiar to me until...

“OMG! Is that really you Rizal?! Uhmm. I mean, José Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda?!!”

“Ummm. Hi? Are you okay? And  may I know why you know me?”

“OMG! I am Anna! I'm okay and of course, who doesn't know about you? You were proclaimed as a national hero of this country because you fought for freedom in a silent but powerful way. You expressed your love for the Philippines through novels, essays and articles rather than through the use of force or aggression. By the way, why are you alive? You are supposed to be dead now cuz we are already in the year 2021 and why am I here?”

“What are you talking about Anna? It's December 30, 1896.”

“What?! But…. nevermind.”

I  was confused why he said it's December 30, 1896 when in fact it is May 12, 2021 but I just let it slip and grabbed the opportunity to ask him personally about my assignment on his works and writings.

ANNA'S ADVENTURE UNTO RIZAL'S WORKS AND WRITINGSМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя