Part 1_Graduation

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Stella POV:

"Stella come downstairs you're going to be late for your last day!", mom yelled from downstairs while I was still trying to make the perfect curls in my brown hair for my graduation. I finally finished and went in the kitchen to my mom. "Morning, Mom. Where's dad?", I asked her while looking for something to eat.
"He's still upstairs, but he's going to come down any minute" Just as she said that my dad came down the stairs leading in the kitchen.

"Guten Morgen, Mäuschen", my dad said as he hugged me. (Good Morning, Mouse( I don't know if you use it in english but it's something like honey))

"Hi, Papa. Musst du heute zur Arbeit?", I asked him while he and I sat down at the table. (Hi, dad. Do you have to go to work today)

"Could you please stop talking in german, you know I still don't understand it!", my mom asked while she made mini-burgers for the party after graduation.

"Of course, mom. But you know that it's a bit sad that you still don't speak german but dad and I both are fluent in english", I told her and earned an angry glare from her.

Suddenly the doorbell rang and I quickly packed my stuff in my bag and ran to the door after saying goodbye to my parents.

It were my boyfriend and best friend in my best friend's car waiting for me. I got in the car and we drove to school. Clara and I got out and Fabio told us he was going to find a place to park and then come to the assembly hall/ the place with a stage and many chairs.

In school everybody was either running around, trying to get the decoration for graduation ready or talking with their friends about god knows what. Clara and I went to our class and talked with our classmates for like 5 minutes.
Then we went to the chairs in front of the stage.
I saw my parents and Fabio sit in the crowd.

After the ceremony because I find it boring

"I'm so proud of you, honey", my mom told me as she hugged me and my dad and Fabio smiled at me. I hugged her back and then went to Fabio who also hugged me and wanted to kiss me but my dad death glared him.

At the after party

Fabio and I went to my parents lake house for the party and the music already blasted on full volume through the house and everybody was dancing. I was very confused about how they got in the house when I saw Clara coming in my direction with a red cup in her right hand and a 20 or 22 year old boy with blonde hair in her other( his hand)

"Hi, we are going to your room upstairs just so you know! Oh and I put the key back under the doormat!", she yell-slurred to me over the loud music. "Clara, how much did you drink?" She hold up a hand with 5 fingers and then went up with the boy who looked completely sober. I told Fabio to get her because I can't stop her once she planned something.
Fabio got her back and I drove her back to her house and told Fabio to have fun with his friends.

Once I got Clara to go to bed I went out to go for a walk and then drive back to my house. I was walking on the sideway of a small street and suddenly was pushed against a brick wall with a blade on my throat.

I wasn't able to recognise the person who pushed me but I assumed they were male because of their stature and voice when they told me to be quiet or else my parents would die.

It was deep and made my toenails curl up (there's a saying in german but I don't know if you also use it in english)

They kept pushing the blade further in my skin which was already bleeding. Suddenly someone came from behind and and punched them on the head. They fell to the floor and my ,saviour' asked me if I am OK.

I wasn't able to answer because I was still shocked of everything and how it happened so fast. He asked me again and when I didn't answer again and just stood there he picked me up bridal style and told me he was taking me to a hospital. He had a thick Italian accent and it sounded really hot just like the way he looked.

Oh god, Stella, what are you thinking!

But to be honest he really was very handsome; he had a sharp jawline, green eyes that were suddenly locking with my brown ones and kept me from continuing to admire him with his brown hair.

"What's your name", he suddenly asked me and I had to blink a few times to get back to reality and answer him.

"Stella. What about you?"

"Marco. Where are you from, you kind of sound like you're german or something like that?"

"Maybe I am but I don't think I should tell you that much about myself. You know: be careful whom you trust", I responded because I didn't want him to know too much about me.

He just rolled his eyes and then put me on the passenger seat next to him.
I didn't have the energy to argue so I just let him take me to the hospital and I also kind of felt like I was bleeding out because of the deep cut on my neck.

I was really tired and started to doze off because I knew that the next hospital was like an hour away from Clara's house.

After a bit over an hour I woke up but it didn't look like a hospital...


Author's note

I hope you liked my first chapter and please tell me if there are mistakes because I didn't have the time to correct everything because of school and everything.

I really cringed when I wrote about her describing him but I wanted you to know the way she thinks about him and his looks.

I really hope you vote and subscribe but I don't expect you to because I also always forget or am too lazy to do so😅

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2022 ⏰

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