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I never expected to be sitting in a hospital waiting room on this average Thursday. I was left alone, staring at the white walls. Why is it that hospitals are all white? Is it to symbolize something? Symbolize something like purity? I've had a lot of time now to stare at these walls so you can't blame me for having questions.

A nurse came walking out with a clipboard to where I was sitting. She stood in front of me. "What is your relation to Miss. Thomas again?"

"Ummm." I'm some stranger who watches her play piano without her knowing. "I'm a really good friend of hers."

"Okay, well," she brought her eyes down to her clipboard and scribbled a few things, "we can't bring you back to her because we're only allowing family back for—"

"I'm her boyfriend," I interrupted. Her eyes snapped up to look at me. I needed to see June Thomas. I came all this way and I don't get to make sure she's okay. It was the first thing that could come to mind. Is that even considered family? "Her parents don't know about us though so please, if they ask, just tell them we're friends," I tried to cover up more of my lie.

"I don't know if we should let you back still--"

"She's very important to me, I just want to make sure she's okay." I stood up, clasping my fingers together as a plea.

She thought about it. I could see the thought on her face as she stared at me and her eyebrows moved slightly. "Do you know of how we can contact Miss. Thomas' parents at all?"

"No, I have not a way to contact them but I can ask June to hand me her phone to do so."

"I'll let you come back for now then." She let out a sigh and motioned for me to follow. My lie worked. But would June be mad if she found out what I'd done?

She took me through the halls. Every hall looking the same. The white walls. The white walls that I still don't know the meaning behind, if there is one.

"Wait!" I stopped her as she reached for the doorknob. "Is she okay? What injuries does she have?"

"She was lucky enough to have some minor injuries. It's extremely surprising to all of us so far to see what's happened."

"Do her hands still work? Her fingers?"

"I'm sorry... what?" She gave me a dirty look.

"No. No, not in a weird way. Piano... She plays piano. It's like a big part of her life. Can she still play?"

"She suffered some head injuries so her mind is just working slower than usual and slowly coming back to her. Her arm and fingers should be good. We just might need to put a boot on her leg but she should be able to walk. It'll just take a little time to get used to. We don't plan to release her until around Sunday. Does that answer all your questions?"

"Yeah, that should be it. But umm... am I able to talk to her in private? Are you gonna be in the room?"

She sighed with a slight eye roll. I understand that my questions may be annoying but she's a nurse, isn't that her job? "I can leave the room, you'll have seven minutes." She opened the door.

"Thank you," I muttered.

I stepped in slowly, peeking past the wall to see June Thomas. She was laying down, facing away from me, staring out the window. I knocked on the wall to showcase my presence. She turned slowly and her face only became stunned when she saw me.

"Hi," I said in one full breath, pacing towards her slowly.

"What are you doing here?" she sounded almost out of breath.

"I saw you jump, June." I stopped my pacing once I got to the side of her bed.

"Yeah, but who are you?"

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