4. Parallels

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00 uploaded: Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You (by Frankie Valli) [Cover by 00]



Aron was nearly banging on the keys as he let his hands speed through the black and white columns.

He can almost hear his first piano teacher chastising him in the back of his mind.

"Pianissimo, hijo, not Fortissimo," She reminded him constantly.

He pressed a wrong key and pressed several random chords before he gave up.

"Fuck," He groaned.

He got paired with Eric.

His phone buzzed on the music desk with a message from Melody, saying she's sorry for something or the other.

He flipped his phone so that the back of it faced him, he didn't want to say something to her that he might regret.

It's not like he blamed her, of course, but he had to blame something or he might just implode.

Like how Eric just had to look at him awkwardly which made Ms. Del Rosario notice their tension.

Or how Ms. Del Rosario took it as sign to pair them up.

He's never seen a more stupid decision.

He moved his hands above the keys.


His hands were shaking, hard. He looked at the clock above the door and realized he had been banging on the piano nonstop for nearly two hours.

He stood up and tucked his rolling stool under his keyboard.

He then covered his keyboard with its cloth. Out of sight, out of mind.

He walked over and sat on the edge of his bed, staring at his shaking hands, clasping them to each other tightly. He slowed down his breathing.

He closed his eyes, the memory of two other hands ghosted over his own.

"Slow down," He whispered to himself.


Aron cut through the corridor, he was taking great care not to put pressure on his right ankle, but the nurse's advice flew out of his head as he ran.

"Slow down!" He yelled.

He had heard it again. That beautiful voice he heard a week ago. He was waiting for Ian to finish practice when he heard the same voice.

"In the rain, the pavements shine like silver,"

He was climbing the stairs to the second floor when he heard it loud and clear. He rushed to get to the next floor as quietly as he could even with his right foot in a cast.

He strained his ears, waiting for the person to start singing again when one of the teacher's door to a vacant classroom at the end of the hall opened.

A boy in a ponytail walked out and he locked eyes with Aron. He didn't recognize who he was.

He waved at the boy.

That's when the running started.

"Hey! Come back!" He called out.

The guy sprinted up the next set of stairs, his hair swished and bounced as he ran, Aron cussed.

He rushed to climb the stairs as best he could before he stepped the wrong way and screeched fell forward.

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