Time to talk

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It's finally time for me to leave. I don't even know where to find him, would he be in the same corner I crashed into him or does he change his spot everyday? I hope he was either in the same spot or at least somewhere nearby. I put my jacket on and grabbed my purse hoping that I would be able to find him. I walked down the stairs thinking about what flowers I should get? What color should I get them in? As I walked all the way to the flower shop, I kept an eye out for the boy from yesterday morning. I didn't see him on my walk there but hopefully I might have just missed him or maybe he hasn't left home yet.

I hope I can be able to find him to give him a flower. I opened the door to the flower shop and a bell dinged. "Good morning." A man said as he stood at the register. "Good morning" I said in response with a smile. What should I pick? Should I get some lilies?  Let's see, the white ones mean purity, pink is admiration and compassion, and orange ones mean warmth and confidence. Maybe not the Lilies, how about a chrysanthemum? Well the white ones mean loyalty and honesty, and the red ones mean love and deep passion. I don't think so. How about sunflowers? Those aren't quite right either as they mean adoration and loyalty. That's when I walked by some hyacinths.

If I remember correctly the blue ones mean constancy and sincerity, the yellow ones mean jealousy and the purple ones...... that's it the purple hyacinths! The meaning behind these ones is sorrow and regret, they're the best ones to get for this. I scooped up a bundle of Purple Hyacinths and walked up to the register. "Ah some hyacinths, good choice, one of my wife's favorite but I assume you feel bad for something" the man at the register said. "Well you're wife must love that you work here, you get to bring some flowers home everyday and yes I accidentally crashed into someone making them lose some flyers they were carrying." I said as he scanned the tag on the flowers and put them in a flower bag.

"Yes actually, we own the place together! And I assume you are talking of the second Salem boy? An odd fellow I must say. Always hunched over the way he is, isn't good for his back."he said with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Oh, you don't happen to know his name do you?"I said as I paid and he handed me the receipt.

"No I can't say that I do, but I do know his mother Mary Lou. His adoptive mother that is. She does some speeches around town every so often about needing a second Salem. I don't know how much I believe that nonsense. Now you have a wonderful day." He said.

"Thank you, you as well!" I said as I walked out the door. Ah so that's what that woman's name is, Mary Lou. I've never stayed to listen but definitely heard her. So she adopted him huh. Ok focus back to the task at hand, finding the boy from yesterday. I checked my watch to see how much time I had before I had to be at work, I had exactly 1 hour to look for him. I walked downtown towards a small coffee shop that I liked to grab some coffee to stay warm in the cold weather and being sure to keep an eye out for the second Salem boy but to no avail. This coffee shop definitely had better coffee then the diner I worked at. I ordered my usual mocha latte, coffee and chocolate are great separate but mixed together I swear that's the taste of pure magic. Once I got my Latte, I walked out the door to continue my quest.


I had been walking around for nearly 45 minutes with no luck. I had lost hope at this point and started my walk to work. I was disappointed that I couldn't find him that I barely even looked up from the ground. I just stared at the shoes of all the people walking on the squares of concrete that made up the sidewalk. I finally looked up from the floor so I could look for cars before I crossed the street.

But that's when I saw him. He was across the street wearing his worn black suit with his shoulders hunched over to make himself seem smaller than he really was and keeping his head down looking towards the ground. I checked the road again for cars and crossed when it was safe. As I crossed the street I pulled out one of the prettiest flower from the bunch and I stood right in front of him with kindest smile I could muster. "Hello again" I said as he looked up at me before quickly looking back down. "Hello" he said quietly tightly holding his flyers against his chest as if someone might crash into him and he would drop the flyers like yesterday.

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