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I was right, obviously.

Redson broke through the wall, surprisingly.

I was simply sitting on mk's bed when redson burstes through the wall like it was rubber!! Can you even believe!?

How rude.

"W-Wha?, who are you? What are you doing here?!" Redson angerly yell at me, litterly doing nothing 😑 (redson rn:🤡)

"I just got here, why are you trying to make small talk when you just broke into- well not mine but, a friends house!? " 
"you mean Noodle boy?, yes"

"Well I was here for something but, this place is so messy it makes me feel by taking something from the noodle boy"

"This place is a mess.. " I looked down chip bags littered across the room with ramen noodles still sitting on the TV stand with some candy wrapers nearby

I jolted my head up MY LIFE is at risk, I jumped off and hit onto the ladder, I managed to grab onto a bar on the ladder

I went around to the back of the ladder as redson peeres over the balcony "not what a came here for anyway"

His foot steps receded, but I'm no dummy, I waited until I couldn't hear the steps anymore

I climbed down the ladder and saw a black cat,hinted yellow swirly eyes and one blind eye, a visible scar near it too.

Poor baby, must've been in a fight and got hurt...

I picked it up literally shaking with happiness,cats are nature's favorite animal and their faces prove it <3

Although my head hurt,and my vision was fuzzy I hid down under where the place spread far and there was a spot that was under it covered in shade

I limped over there,my head AND my leg hurt..

After I sat down I started petting the cat,but I felt something moving down my face,I put my hand up to it

It was blood.

I leaned my head back and the cat climbed up on me and licked my head,exactly where the blood was..

My eyes were shutting and I didn't feel like I could move,the only thing I actually felt was the tounge of the cat licking my blood...

I'm not dead,or passed out,I'm awake,just unable to open my eyes..there was a purple light that flushed over the blackness of my eyelids and I felt something heavy on me

"Huh,no one's ever picked me up." It sounded like a rough voice,definitely a bit older then me.

Everything got heavy as I slid down the wall,felling the brick glide against my head hurt.

A purple light flashed against the darkness again and the weight on my legs disappeared... well kinda,there was still weight on my legs

Just,less now.

I couldn't do anything,a faint meow was the last of the sounds I heard.

ꨄthe shady rosesꨄ macaque x Fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now