Part 1

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(John's POV)

I stared blankly at the handcuffs on my wrists, then to the dirty interior walls of the police van I was just shoved into. I knew why I was there, a simple reason really, yet I still believe it to be just as unjust as I did back then.

2 months earlier, I met a boy by the name of Rylan, a low-class boy of conventional attractiveness who was part of my new University class. I was looking for a seat and commanded that Rylan move, but when he denied me, a man pay-grades ahead of him, I became fascinated with him. I later found out he was of the same orientation as me and asked him to be my darling right there and then, but he rejected my offer. I spent the remainder of our time apart either stalking him or staying in the library, looking for a way I could convince him to be mine. I eventually found a multitude of manga that contained characters not too different from myself. I read as they all kidnapped their beloved and trapped them in their basement, with the kidnapped eventually falling in love with their captor.

I became fascinated with the love that blossomed between them and I was wishing to follow their example. I got some of my mother's employees to kidnap Rylan and I taped him to a chair in my basement, asking him yet again to be my partner, but when he denied me again I chose to leave him down there. This clearly wasn't the correct decision, as he ended up locking me in one of the rooms and escaping. The police later came and collected me from my home, handcuffed me and informed me that they suspected me of a kidnapping, rudely shoving me into the earlier aforementioned van.

When we arrived at the police station, they seized all of my possessions and put me in a cell. Instead of talking to the druggie I was sharing the cell with, I went to sleep, hoping my Mother would have bailed me out by the time I awoke. This, however, didn't end up happening, it turns out that my family had disowned me and was now refusing to help me without even telling me why.

I was eventually sent to court and found guilty, where after a long trip to jail, they pat me down, gave me some new clothes, gave me a quick rundown of the rules and put me in a cell. I began reading the book I had brought with me when I started hearing knocking and someone calling me from the cell to the left of mine. This turned out to be a man around the same age as me who introduced himself as Chase Colt, who at this moment in time had begun to have a one-sided conversation with me, soon to become the first of many.

Over the years, I had started to give up on my life with Rylan and become somewhat lonely, causing me to start answering back to Chase's questions and start using him for his company. We started developing a complicated on-and-off relationship, where I had no feelings toward him but I wanted to entertain his growing obsession with me. Since I was the instigator of the relationship, it mainly revolved around whether I needed him for something or not and I didn't expect to care when it was cut short by his execution. I eventually got out of jail but I got hit by a car a short amount of years later.

I met Chase in the afterlife and while trying to escape him, I started to slowly understand why I had begun to talk to him all of those years ago, although visually someone I would have no interest in, he, personality-wise, was a lot like Rylan and was just as fascinating, the only differences being that he was single and there were no police or homophobic family members to get in the way. This time, unlike with Rylan, my attempts at a relationship succeeded and that's where I am now.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2022 ⏰

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