Become the Night

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~*Warning Smut* Chapter song is because the night by Patti Smith~

Bella Pov:

Jasper was holding my hand as we left. I looked over to where we were going. Edward and Alice were already standing by his Volvo. Why couldn't they just leave already. Jasper and I slowed down to a walking pace. Hoping that by the time we made it over there they would be gone. Alice was clearly arguing with Edward even though I couldn't hear them.

Jasper flinched and I felt something I couldn't quite define though our connection. Sad maybe, but it felt more like when someone you love is disappointed in you. Like you messed up and they all the sudden don't want anything to do with you.

Suddenly Jasper spoke in a low voice, so they wouldn't hear over their shouting, "We don't have to do this anymore if you don't want to. I... I didn't mean for it to go so far. Edward he's... well, upset would be an understatement."

To say that statement pissed me off would be an understatement, "Well, it's too damn late for you to take it back now Jasper. You're stuck with me and my bullshit till I say so. We got into this mess together, and if we get out of it. It will be together. Got it cowboy?"

Stunned yeah, that's the word I would use to describe Jasper right now. We had come to a complete stop in the middle of the school parking lot. He let go of my hand to run it through his hair. God why did he have to look like that. It made it so hard to argue. No Bella, snap out of it. Stand your ground you promised you wouldn't let pretty boys tell you what to do anymore.

He sighed, sounding tired, "I don't know if you would feel the same if you knew how Edward felt."

Oh so that's how it is. If only he hadn't let go of my hand maybe I would be able to tell how he was feeling, "What does Edward have anything to do with my decisions? Last time I checked him and I are over." After the way Edward has treated me it's in my best interest to just stay away from him. At best I could be his friend, but only if he could respect my boundaries.

Jasper looked unsure, but winked and spoke, "I didn't mean it like that and you know it Bella. I was just considering him as something that could possibly hold you back in our relationship."

Our relationship? Oh, I glanced to the right, and saw Edward in his Volvo with the windows down. With Alice pouting in the passenger seat. I see, he's testing me. He wants to see if I'm serious about this, or if Jasper and I are messing with him. Maybe, It's what I say when I don't think he's around that interests him. I'm not sure, but last time I checked this was none of his business. So I'm going to make him regret being nosy.

I took a step towards Jasper, and placed my hands on his chest. Okay Bella, what would fuck with Edward the most? He really didn't like when he caught me and Jasper 'kissing'. I wonder if Jasper would even be okay with kissing me. Only one way to find out. If not I'll make it up to him later. Right now I need to prove a point.

I looked up at Jasper, "After what we've been through together. I'm not going to let some past crush get in the way of us Jazz."

I moved my hands up to the back of his neck, "Now kiss me like you mean it cowboy. Prove it to me that you're not going to leave me." There was an unsaid like Edward at the end of my sentence.

He slowly slid his hands to rest on my waist. Then he leaned forward till just our noses were touching, "Are you sure darlin? After this there's no going back. You're stuck with me, and I mean it. No more games. Just you and me"

Fuck that voice is going to put me in an early grave. I took a breath, "Please, make me yours Jasper."

Jasper's eyes darkened considerably, and his breathing became uneven. "Lord Bella, you have no idea what you're doing to me. I might just take you right here if you're not careful. Make you one of us, and steal you away forever."

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