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Ayo- What's this? An update? I'm still alive? Of course I am >:D

Ty Lee's eyebrows were scrunched up together as she made her way towards the control room before stopping herself at the door. She hesitated as to whether she should enter and was just about to turn around and return to her room.

"Come in."

Well, never mind.

Seeing her lack of options Ty Lee took a deep breath, spun around and entered the control room instead. She tried ignoring all the personnel manning the controls and focused on the figure standing just behind the helmsman.

"How are you doing?" She tried for a smile, yet internally, Ty Lee winced at the terrible conversation starter. There were better ways to check on Princess Azula.

Silence loomed over the pair as the chi blocker waited for an answer. Somehow, she felt that it was more deafening than the loudest crowd that cheered her during her time at the circus. She was certain that a couple pairs of eyes darted in their direction, undoubtedly interested to hear the answer, yet too afraid to outright show it.

She also tuned them out, choosing instead to spare them the embarrassment of their eavesdropping being found out.

"I am doing fine, Ty Lee."

Just because the chi blocker had anticipated the answer doesn't mean she liked it. So she tried again.

"But don't you feel cold?"

Indeed, the night air was cold, and given where they were at it was no surprise that she shivered despite the several torches that lit the room. She tried to crush the wayward thought that the cold was not just from the air, but also her best friend.

It has been the same for weeks now, since the Dai Li – or whatever remained of them – had dug their way out of the caved-in Catacombs, carrying an unconscious Princess Azula and the injured with them. That was when Ty Lee learnt that the Avatar was put to an end.

By Azula, which wasn't surprising to Ty Lee.

Instead, what surprised her was the small changes she noticed.

In the eyes of a random stranger, or some politician, Azula was intimidating even for a fourteen-year-old princess. Her golden eyes often looked like they were deciding whether their target was worth the effort to make the body disappear from the face of the earth, or just a waste of human space.

But Ty Lee was no random person. She couldn't remember the last time Azula smiled since regaining consciousness. There were lesser threats of evisceration or death coming from the Princess, nor had Ty Lee heard her friend tease her in these few weeks.

It just felt... wrong. It was as if Azula had been infected with Mai's dingy grey aura.

But it's not like Ty Lee could outright voice her observations. If she did, she was certain Azula would not take too kindly to being called 'weak'. Not that the chi blocker has any intentions of doing that.

All she could do was check in on her best friend every once in a while. And receive the same answer.

Even now, Azula seemed adamant about staring out into the horizon and not looking at her friend. Ty Lee watched patiently as the Princess let out a deep breath and seemingly balled her hands into fists before relaxing.

"Your concern for my well being is noted, Ty Lee." Azula's voice sounded controlled like she was keeping her emotions in check. "Thank you. Now, how about you get some rest? We are bound to reach the capital in another ten hours."

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