Two Years Later

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Michael POV

It's been two years since we got married came by fast but me and prince just got into an argument he's recording his music video so I just walked out

Prince POV

We just in a argument he walks out on me it's been two years since we been married

Michael walked up the street to clear his mind there was a bridge there and he just stared out into the water

Prince came looking for Michael and he couldn't find him nowhere....his manger told him that Michael doesn't want to be with him right now he was deeply

That truly hurt prince but at this point he didn't care so he came outside ...everyone was going to give them some space to talk

The silence was definitely there they didn't say anything to each other Michael back was turned

A Week Later

Michael POV

Everything was back to normal we talked it out marriages aren't perfect they have it's ups and downs

Prince POV

Things are back to the way they were our marriage isn't perfect but we still love each other no matter what

The cause of the argument was a woman spread a rumor about prince sleeping with her and getting her pregnant but she lied about to it to get her 15minutes of fame and she was never pregnant

Prince wouldn't dare do that to Michael he did that the last time and it didn't end well with the relationship because he knew Michael anger

It was finally the summer time and Michael wanted to go on vacation to have a clear mind

Michael POV

Booking a vacation to Hawaii i need a break plus me and prince get to get some alone time together

Prince POV

I came to see what Michael was doing he was looking up something on the computer

Prince: what are you doing

Michael: booking a flight to Hawaii

Prince: ok

Michael: we need some alone time that's why I'm doing it

Prince: that's fine we could use the break

Michael: alright

Michael booked the flight and they were all set on their vacation to Hawaii

A few weeks later

Michael POV

Ahhh today is the day that me and prince go to Hawaii to relax and can breathe well see you soon California

Prince POV

Today is the day that we go to Hawaii for some relaxation and some alone time I was so happy we are leaving out now

They got on the private jet and headed to Hawaii prince was excited to be having some alone time with Michael and relaxing under the sun

A few hours later


Prince POV

Our hotel room was beautiful the view was perfect ahh I can feel the peace and quiet kicking in already

Michael POV

Ahh I can finally breathe this is so nice and relaxing that's what I want to do is relax

Prince and Michael unpacked it was so peaceful and very quiet just what they both needed as they are break for awhile and wanted to share every moment of it together

They finally have some alone time and can have a clear mindset Michael was so happy to be at peace for a chance in his life and can breathe it was truly
Going to be a wonderful vacation

A few days later

Michael POV

this is so relaxing I'm in the pool loving the view we have our vacation is just what we needed to clear our heads

Prince POV

just came back to the house to see Michael in the book he's so relaxed he was so cute from a distance

Prince: Babe I made it home

Michael: ok

Prince: I see your having fun

Michael: yes I am

Prince: how do you feel

Michael: very relaxed

Prince: well that's good to hear

Michael: I know I guess this is what I needed for a change

Prince: yes you did

Michael out the pool and dried off he came back in the house it was a hot day today so he came in the house are the air was on

Prince turned the on 68 so it can fill up the house because it was very hot outside where they were at of course and then he came to take a long nap for the day

Michael was watching the news to see what was the news today and television and then he came to write more music for the fans that's releasing very soon he was excited for the fans to his new music that he's been writing but it was a lot of work and devotion when it came to writing and recording music but it was worth it because he knew his fans would love it

Prince fell asleep the Moment his head hit the pillow he's had a long few days going out and about on their vacation he's never felt so relaxed in his life
Michael called the family to check on them to see how they were doing as well because family is the most important in the world and the only people you have to survive this world that's how it is sometimes

Prince was still thinking about their conversation about him in public and it has been crazy talking about interviews etc

Since it was going into night time Michael took my shower and he got ready for bed he wasn't like Prince afterwards who went to shower and ex it was definitely a relaxing day cut the both of them actually which was good for them

Michael finished showering and brushing his teeth etc he made share all the door was locked once he did he came to bed and stared at Prince for a minute

Michael POV

I was staring at Prince he was so handsome when he sleeps I could tell he had an eventful day today and is tired that's where I'm going goodnight

Michael turned the light off and went to sleep after a very busy and tiring day

Next chapter is coming up

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