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Asides from her rather memorable Sorting into Gryffindor, Regulus has never seen Flora Lovelock awake.

She sits beside him in Defense Against the Dark Arts (DADA), and behind him in Potions; always arriving first and leaving last.

She has no friends, and only a few more enemies—mainly some of his Slytherin year-mates who thought she'd prove to be an easy target.

They were wrong.

It's not that Lovelock is particularly skilled with her wand-work, or quick in her duelling - she could be, of course, but it's not like anyone would know. Bullying her is an impossible task because no one can ever find her between and after classes.

She dozes the day away, and vanishes into the night like a shadow - like she barely exists.

Just as he's done many times before, Professor Yarrow pauses his lesson to shake his head before continuing on.

Regulus would be impressed by her sheer audacity if he weren't frustrated. Even now, in DADA, she sleeps beside him, and in a bit, she'll disappear again. Not this time, though, not if he can help it.

Because of the class seating plan, he's stuck with Lovelock as a partner for his next assignment.

Professor Yarrow seemed sympathetic to his plight despite his unwillingness to allow a change in partner, citing: "I know the difficulties having Miss Lovelock as a partner may present, but you might find yourself pleasantly surprise. Even if you don't meet her awake, you'll find yourself with the perfect source material for Sleeping Curses."

Hence, Regulus's current predicament.

"Lovelock," he jostles her shoulders, "wake up. Hey, Lovelock!"

She opens a single irritated eye.

"Black, right? The younger one?" Flora shifts, stretching like a drowsy cat. "Has Potions ended already?"

He stares at her in disbelief.

"Potions ended awhile ago," Regulus informs with a tight smile, "we're in Defense, now. Just finished, actually."


She blinks twice before shrugging, collecting her bag/make-shift pillow, and standing up with a soft groan.

"Wait," says Regulus, blocking her path.

Flora quirks a brow.

"We're partners." Regulus tells her. "We have to research a curse."

"We do?" Flora frowns. "Which one?"

Irked, Regulus crosses his arms. Perhaps Lovelock was actually more agreeable unconscious?

"We haven't chosen one yet."

If possible, she frowns even further; eyes narrowing as the creases of her brow deepen. She considers Regulus.

"Alright then," she nods after a beat, declaring, "we should go to the library."

Her answer startles him. Regulus hadn't been expected that. Part of him was convinced that she would disappear before his very eyes, vanishing into smoke and shadow. Instead, Lovelock remained; tangible and ever-present.

"To the library, then." He agrees a few awkward moments later.

She sets off, with Regulus following closely behind, to the library.


"Common Curses and their Counters," Lovelock reads aloud, flipping through the pages of a random book. "Hm... boring—"

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